Apr 15, 2011 13:31

When you're attempting to fraudulently claim for a residence for the February 22nd earthquake, you might want to make sure that that building actually still existed that day, rather than having been demolished after September. You may also want to double-check a person's name before forging their signature. Unless your aim was just to entertain everyone, I guess.

(I also dealt with an actual person today. Complete coincidence - I'd gone downstairs to collect some things and he had come in to figure out what was going on. Language barriers had complicated things a bit but we sorted it out and I fixed it in the system and approved it. Yay!)

In more AWESOME news, I got a package yesterday. The contents declaration read "BOOK", but it was not a book. It was a Kobo! It is soooooo pretty. Even the packaging is attractive. I loaded some .epubs I already had onto it and got around to actually paying for some that were sitting open in tabs in Safari, including the two Torchwood books I hadn't read yet for (combined) NZ$9. It's a long bus ride to and from work so I read some and ohhhhh it is just marvellous. It's really nice to hold and turn pages and the screen is very easy to read. It actually looks very solid and permanent, not at all like a computer screen.

Was hoping
zeborah's Pocketbook would be here when we got home but not yet. Maybe tomorrow - Saturday is family dinner night anyway.

This entry was originally posted at http://keieeeye.dreamwidth.org/174576.html. Feel free to comment there instead because LJ is a poo.

motherfucking red cross, motherfucking books

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