lol torchwood novels

Nov 21, 2010 22:55

So yesterday I reread Pack Animals and today I reread Skypoint - I'm thinking about taking a skip backwards to Slow Decay tomorrow if I have time. The thing about Skypoint is, apart from the constantly changing POVs and the fact that I'm pretty sure he mixes up Wendy and Alison's names a few times (particularly in the climactic scene), regularly through the book Phil Ford goes "oh hey, btw, I've seen Fragments!" Which is sort of cute in and of itself, but he clearly hasn't seen it enough. For starters, he claims Owen is 26. However, he also thinks he's been working for Torchwood for only two years, so at least in his mind Jack didn't hire him aged 22 and somehow already a fully qualified and experienced doctor. 22 is fine for never-been-to-uni-let-alone-got-an-advanced-degree-and-career Ianto (though Phil Ford theorises that he has an Honours in English Literature and History - how long does it take to get a double major Honours in the UK?) but me, I would not be picking a 22 year old for my specialist xenologist slash field medic for an alien-fighting organisation that pretty much requires staff to be the best in their fields by sole virtue of only having four of them. (This being before Ianto's stalker trick.) I wouldn't be thinking too long about a 24 year old, either.*

He also refers to Tosh's cell at UNIT as 1.2 metres square when it was quite clearly larger than that. Like two or three at least.

I mean, I like the book apart from that, though I think the unrequited love angst is played up too much, but really. You're writing a tie-in novel for a cult sci-fi fandom. Your target audience is almost guaranteed to be picky as hell about details like that.

*IMO Tosh and Owen are both in their early thirties and Gwen's in her late twenties, though I have never actually bothered to check their canon birthdate(s). I would, however, if I was going to reference their age, because I'm not dumb. :P

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motherfucking books, motherfucking fandom

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