Today, after making out with my boyfriend for the first time, it took me an hour to convince him he was still a virgin. FML. --United States (South Carolina)
o.o There are no words. Except for possibly "Abstinence only - it works."
eta: Today, if it wasn't already embarrassing enough to tell my boyfriend I was on my period, I had to explain what a period is in the first place, how it works, and why it means nothing can happen during that time of the month. He's twenty. FML.
Can't blame that one on abstinence only. It's from London.
eta2: or from NSW which makes me think some guys are just idiots:
Today, I got dumped because I was on my period. Apparently he was pissed because I have one "like, every single month." FML
(PS: The Doctor and Tosh got engaged. She rang him up afterwards and the first speech bubble he came out with was a picture of handcuffs. I also need to google how to turn off jealousy so Jenny can move in with Jack and Ianto after she goes to university. I'm not sure she's even met Jack, but she gets on REALLY WELL with Ianto.)
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