Got a wedding at 7:00 that I'm an usher for. So I have to leave around 5:15 to get to the place on time. Sooooo I'm watching Argentina- Mexico (pronounced Ar-hen-tee-na Meh-hee-ko) on ESPN. Germany won this morning! Woot! DEUTSCHLAND!!!
1) Do you hate your middle name? Nope... Christopher in Greek means "Christ-bearer"... I think that describes me well
2) How many pairs of shoes do you have? 1. 2. 3,4. Yeah, 4. Tennis shoes, sandals, brown and black. That's all you need.
3) When did you get your first cell phone? 17/18 shortly after I started at KB Toys
4) What's your most embarrassing moment? Oh hell... where do you want to begin?
5) Your ideal wedding? ummm... what
leighanda said
6) What are you listening to right now? Right now? Black Eyed Peas "Monkey Business" LP
7) What are you wearing right now? My blue Search shirt and a pair of shorts
8) What dream(s) did you have last night? Ummm... I don't remember. The same nonsensical weird crap... oh, and the vacation I want to take ;-)
9) Your thoughts on Ann Coulter? A little too much of a hardcore conservative for me. And that's saying a LOT
10) Whats your favorite cake flavor? Apricot nectar (Mom makes it)
11) What color is your cell phone? several... it's a alien on a background of stars
12) Do you play any instruments? guitar
14) What are your pets' names? Patches and T'Bay
15) When was the last time you drank? I had a couple of beers Thursday night
16) When was your first kiss? well... I was kissed in kindergarten (apparently I was cute or something), but... the first real one would have been 8th grade
18) What's your major/minor? Aerospace Engineering major, German minor
19) What happened the first time you stayed out all night? Ummm... hell, trying to remember when that was... lots of movies, a trip to Waffle House, then more movies (I'm counting the earliest one I remember... and even that one is kinda lame :P )
20) What's the last bill you paid? Water and Power
21) What's your video game system of choice? My laptop, bitches... or the XBOX 360 that I do not yet own
22) What's your favorite kind of weather? ugly, despressing, black sky and thunderstorms
23) When was the first time you got drunk? Hmm, let's see... that would have been sophomore year, fall, when we had a "Jason's never had alcohol before, let's get him drunk" party. The mission was accomplished.
24) When was the first time you went to the hospital? What do you want to count? I had surgery when I was 18 months old to correct my pyloric stenosis (the exit valve from my stomach did not work correctly...)
25) How many times have you been in an ambulance? Never. I think.
26) Are you on any medication? negative
27) What's your favorite book? War and Peace, followed by LOTR and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
28) Have you ever been fishing? yes, but not in a loooooong time.
29) Have you ever had food poisoning? Nope.
30) Do you like President Bush? Yes, very much so
31) What are you afraid of? being unloved
32) What does your car look like? silver Chevy S-10 that is getting more dinged up and scratched every day
33) What's on your desk right now? An assortment of random papers and pens, VCR, DVD player, and various other randomness
34) What does your mouse pad look like? plain dark blue
35) What's your cigarette of choice? NONE. PERIOD.
36) Do you believe in abortion? Absolutely not.
37) What's your most recent "oh shit" moment? Hm. Let's think. When a friend told me (erroneously) that someone was planning on sabotaging a function I was heading up. (I caught hell for that on many, many levels...)
38) Have you ever jetskied? the last time I somewhere where I could jetski, I was too young to.
39) What jewelry are you wearing right now? none
40) What's the last thing you bought? Trip to Wal-Mart: blades for my razor, the Angels and Airwaves CD, Hot Shots and Hot Shots: Part Deux two pack, the Athlon NFL Preview mag, and a pack of boxers
41) Who is the last family member you saw? Mom and Dad, sitting in the living room
43) What's the last concert you attended? Uhhhhhh
44) What was the last time you were at a hospital? Last spring
45) What's the last test you took? My Computational Methods for Aerospace Structures final
46) What song is stuck in your head? none at the moment...
47) What's the last thing you ate? a sugar cookie
48) What's the last thing you got in the mail? my car insurance renewal card
49) When is the last time you got dressed up? Thursday night for the "rehearsal" dinner. And that was just nice pants and a collared shirt...
50) What kind of digital camera do you have? Kodak something or other... like, 5.1 megapixels