New meme

May 25, 2006 17:24

LJ Interests meme results

  1. c. s. lewis:
    One of the greatest Christian writers to ever grace the planet, yet most people would never know it.  A gift for breaking apart the hardest theological problems into simple, illustrative language... would have been Catholic, but stopped at Anglicanism... sigh
  2. chivalry:
    The cure for the common male... if you EVER need to learn what it is to be a good, Christian male, read up on chivalry... St. Morris is also a good place to start (martyr for the early church... great story)
  3. destiny:
    One thing that drove me nuts for a long, long time... is seeing our own futures, our own destinies, and where our lives are leading. I have since learned that we do have a destiny, a defined future awaiting us, but only if we allow ourselves to follow where God is leading us and by listening to what our souls tell us... and it's a very comforting thing having come to that conclusion...
  4. football:
    What the crap...


    Baseball, kiss my ass... FOOTBALL is the American pastime
  5. guitar:
    What can I say?  Great, fairly easy to learn instrument treasured by people everywhere... and the cornerstone of American rock and roll
  6. knights:
    Hmm... pretty much exactly what I wrote for chivalry... and I'll add in here that I have been working on a story/poem/epic for the past two years (somewhat inconsistently) based on the ideals of the perfect holy knight... I should work on that some more... *ponder ponder*
  7. literature:
    I have always enjoyed a great read... it's the easiest and most accessable way for the human mind to relax and withdraw to another place where it can relax and relieve the stresses of the day.

    Oh, read War and Peace.  It's gooooooood
  8. mankind:
    So, I like to observe people.  We, as a race, are tremendously fascinating and terribly complex... and yet, so simple at the same time.  You can learn a lot about yourself, about life, and about God by simply watching people in the Ferg, listening to conversations you overhear, etc...
  9. movies:
    Okay, if there's anything I like to do when I have a day off MORE than watch sports, it's watch movies... yeah.  I <3 movies, and that's that.
  10. nature:
    God's grace is manifest in His creation.  If you are ever in doubt of the goodness or greatness of beauty of God, go spend a day walking around in the midst of the peace and quiet of nature... then, you'll start to see why life is good and why God is great

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