
Apr 26, 2008 09:20

Elke- you have inspired me with all of your talk of yummy food.. any idea what that does to a pregnant lady?? :P

We bought a food processor hand blender thingy on thursday, and last night i made super yummy hummus. never made it before but thought i would give it a try and my god... i was impressed!
we went shopping yesterday and bought things for smoothies too, which makes me super happy cause it means that i can now have smoothies and lots of all those yummy things that i never made because i didnt have any way of making them!

In other news?? Nothing new really, just been working- only 6 weeks left at work now and that makes me SO happy!!
i was all :( yesterday cause im not going to get to go to Paul and Gitas wedding *sighs* not alot i can do about it though. so everyone that is going to be there has to make sure you have a fantastic time to make up for the fact that i cant be there to share in the love!

The weather down here has been absolutely divine and i have been spending as much time as i can outside soaking up the sunshine. Yesterday i washed all of the clothes and blankets etc that we have been given by everyone - 3 loads later!! 3 loads of baby stuff.. that is HEAPS!! i am going to have to sort it all into sizes so i can see if there are any things that we need to get (im thinking not, but better to check!!).

It is nearly a reality... the belly is getting bigger and bigger, but its not actually unmanageable yet. sleeping is becoming a little annoying, but nothing that i can handle. just means lots of waking up to roll over and getting up to pee every couple of hours.

sorry i have been so elusive lately. i have really not been up to much... just growing baby and working.

Anyway love to you all!
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