Apr 28, 2007 00:08
It isn't hard to suprise me. I have often stared agape at any number of strange or curious circumstances. All supise in their own right. Genuine supries, the sort that is an embodyment of a literal imposibility - at least according to one's personal and relative reality - are few and far between. This is the sort of circumstance that you can look at someone who you know, and have known for some time and genuinly not belive it is who they are. That is what happened tonight. No, this isn't some re-emergent ex-girlfriend, nor a mysterious childhood acquaintence. Those are nice sorts of things, but this was someone whom I had been convinced was half the country away, possibly half the world away, and may have been dead before I would have ever seen them again. I doubt that if you are reading this you know who I am refering to, but not everyone knows yet, and I don't like to spoil this sort of suprise. He left, He tried his best, Did his best, but did not succeed through no fault of his own. An honorable and manly-respectable end to things.
Sometimes there is a God.