(no subject)

Mar 25, 2006 20:50

Title: Strawberry flavour, chapter 11/?
Author: Las
Pairings: Jonne/Linde, Jonne/Ville, Ville/Linde
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Linde holds a secret love...
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine and I make no money from this, surprise surprise.
Beta: loveinaminor! Thanks, love. :)

Author’s notes: Isn't this a quick update? I hope you're all really happy now. :P

Anyway, this is all my beta’s fault. She suggested Jonne get drunk… I just wanted Linde/Jonne fluff, I swear! (Let’s not mention the fact that my own fantasy made up all the details… I, uhm I mean them, just couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. But in all honesty, can you blame them? :P)

For those not so familiar with Negative, or who would simply like to see another nice pic of the bunch, NEGATIVE!
From left to right: Snack, Jay, Jonne, Larry, Christus, Antti. (*hopes she finally got all the names right*) Please note how Larry’s hand is tucked under the waistband of Jonne’s pants - which we can’t see, but all know is true. *smirks* Larry looks like Jonne's puppy or something, btw... and absolutely HOT.

Also… don’t be confused at the names ‘Lauri’ and ‘Kristian’ - these are the real names of Larry and Sir Christus, respectively.

Find all the other chapters here!


Jonne lay sprawled out on the double bed of his hotel room, staring up to the ceiling with a drunken grin on his lips. Antti had settled his head on Jonne’s legs, Christus’ head was next to his own, leaning on his shoulder, Larry’s curly mass of hair was pressed into his other armpit. Jay’s legs dangled off the bed, his arms reaching up, one of his hands locked in Snack’s who had settled his feet on a pillow. They were such a mess.

Jonne giggled. I love my guys. I don’t know what I’d ever do without them.

They had tried to get drunk as fast as they could - and succeeded, after Jay had come to their rescue with a several bottles of Finland’s finest vodka, Grey Goose. Now Christus’ hand had slipped under his shirt and was teasing his belly button, while Larry had grabbed his arm and pressed it to his chest. Jonne’s eyes fluttered shut, smile still lingering on his lips. They love me too.

“Jay,” Christus mumbled, “gimme the bottle.”

Jay’s voice held a lazy smirk in it. “Say please.”

Christus’ head turned so that his breath was right in Jonne’s ear, but his whiney words were still directed at the drummer. “It’s right next to you. Can’t keep it all for yourself.”

“Why can’t I? If you’re too drunk to get up...”

“I’m not drunk! Why does everyone hate me?” The guitarist’s voice was so full of drunken hurt that Larry began to giggle, infecting Jonne and Antti as well, and soon everyone on the bed was shaking with laughter.

“You’re so hopeless,” Larry accused, gasping for breath. “Shall I get it then?”

The bottle met him halfway, as Jay pressed it into his hands after taking a short swig himself. “How something so tasteless…can be so good…” Jay sighed dramatically, which caused more snickering all around.

Christus was suddenly really quick to sit up and steal the bottle from Larry’s fingers. “Thank you.” He wavered a little.

“Hey!” Larry protested with a laugh.

Jonne watched how Christus lifted the bottle to let the strong liquor fill his mouth, then the guitarist looked at Larry and challenged him with a lift of his chin. After a moment of confusion, an amused smile settled on Larry’s lips. He leaned forward slowly, his eyes down dropping to Christus’ mouth.

Drops of liquid splattered on Jonne’s chest as the lips of his friends met, and soon tongues slipped in and out of each other’s mouth in a languid kiss. It broke off when Christus started laughing, spluttering vodka all over them. “That was cool! Jonne?”

Jonne shook his head, but he himself wasn’t quite sure if that was meant as a discouragement or simply to state how silly they were. Christus smirked, drank, and leaned down to place his lips over Jonne’s. The singer’s lips parted obediently, and soon his mouth was filled with vodka and a clumsy tongue. Drops ran down the side of his face, caught by another pair of eager lips that trailed over his cheek with soft kisses.

He wasn’t sure whose hand it was that settled between his thigh and his crotch, but Jonne couldn’t stop the small mewl that found its way into Christus’ mouth. “’Nough,” he protested. He felt the familiar tightness of his pants around his cock, and something inside of him was disturbed by it. He knew that a little more booze would make even that reluctance go away…

Christus leaned back, breathing heavily on Jonne’s face. “Oh… right,” he admitted after a moment and sat up to find Antti and Jay mimicking his own little trick.

Jonne tried to suppress the grin that wanted to break out on his lips - the two were always flirting when drunk, but denied everything as soon as they had sobered up.

Larry nuzzled Jonne’s cheek with a smile. “They’re such a happy couple.”

Jonne chuckled as he bent his head back so Larry’s lips had better access to his neck. Then, in a split second, a name ran through his head.


His smile faded. “Lauri…” He turned his head, his lips meeting Larry’s in a short kiss. “Enough, yeah?”

“Hmmmmm kay,” was Larry's short response. He smiled drunkenly, and his hand caressed Jonne’s cheek for a short moment before he sat up.

“Where’s Snack gone, anyway?” Christus asked. His hand had found its way back to Jonne’s leg, where it started caressing him thoughtlessly.

“Dunno, he was here a moment ago.”

“Maybe he’s jerking off in his room after the sight of you two kissing. You’re so hot.”

“I am hot, really,” Antti sighed, and tried to pull off his shirt, nearly falling over in the process.

Laughter erupted from the other four, even though Jonne’s was somewhat subdued. Oh God, Linde… He shook off Christus’ hand, rolling on his side. Hmmm well, whatever. We’ll see about that tomorrow…

The door was thrown open.

“Where’d you go? You missed all the hot stuff,” Christus grinned at Snack.

“Nowhere.” Snack dropped down with a sigh and let himself fall backward, half on top of Larry’s legs. “Oh… Jonne?”


“Linde was out there…” More than one glare was sent in his direction at mentioning the name, but Snack was happily unaware of it.

Jonne just blinked at the words, then freed himself from Larry’s arms and sat up abruptly. His head spun. “Already? What’s he doing here?”

“Standing, really… then he walked away when he saw me.”

“Ah…” Jonne replied softly, his lips moving in unheard words. I should go to him. I want him. “I’m… going after him.”

“You sure that’s smart?”

“Oh yeah and we’re so smart!”

Christus doubled over in laughter at his own statement, but Jonne’s head was buzzing louder and louder now, and he clumsily got up from his bed. “Just wanna see him. If he hates me, I’ll come back…”

“Jonne.” Larry tried to catch his attention by tugging on his shirt. “Got everything you need?”

It took a moment before the words registered. He frowned. Need? Oh… need. Right.

His pocket was full of condoms as he staggered out into the hall, vaguely remembering that Linde’s room was nearest to the elevator…

him rps, negative rps, fiction, strawberry flavour

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