The Labour Party Leader candidates.
(From left to right)
Andy Burnham Has quite possibly the most beautiful hair I have ever seen on a polititan... except for Boris "BoJo" Johnson of course. I think he also wants to do something about pensions... to be honest, I can never stop looking at his hair when I should be listening to The Issues so I'm not the person to ask.
Ed Balls My dad has had a subscription to the Private Eye since forever... and for some reason the "Colemballs" bit has always been tied up with Ed Balls in my mind.... This is a half truth and should not influence the party's decision
David Milliband Should possibly be chosen to lead the opposition purely so that any temptation felt by MPs to appear more human by referring to eachother by their christian names will be curtailed by the threat of confusion. Possibly backed by Tony bliar Blair which makes him less enticing. My uncle seems to like him too. This is all acting against him.
The Other Milliband His main selling point is that he differs from his brother somewhat.
Diana Abbott Has never been a cabinet minister, unlike all other candidates. Has the Support of the Milliband brother's Mother... which is quite nice. She is also a she and she's black. I think we should all just take a moment to reflect on how far politics has come! I mean, I remember when Tones tried to raise the number of female MPs and they were all called "Blair's Babes". If I had been one of them that would have PISSED ME OFF NO END. Di hasn't made her gender a selling point nor has she played the race card, which I think is somehting to be applauded. However, she really annoys me and I have no idea what her policies are.
I have no idea what any of their policies are actually.