In which I am sleepy and posting none the less

Jun 09, 2009 23:00

Urgh, I am so sleepy.
I have been forcing myself to stay awake all evening so as not to undo all my good work in restoring my bodyclock to GMT.

I'm always messing about with my sleep patterns.
I was very happily on the 23 hour day regime, which means you go to bed an hour later each day- allowing you ample party time on Friday and Saturday- before you crash out competely on Sundays.

But then I found this article on the internet that claimed I could survive on 2 hours sleep a day, by taking 20 minute naps every 4 hours.
And I, being the silly fool that I am, was all over this shit.

The first week was, as promised by the author of the article, sheer hell. Sheer like Marians sexy veil.

cheer up love, you're marrying Guy!

Anyways... er...oh yeah the sleep thing god I'm tired well, after the week of zombie!me
which is not as much fun as Zombie!Maz makes it seem
and after falling asleep in several inpportune places... the office toilets...the bus...a club... the park...
I finally made it through to the other side.

And, you know what? I'm sure you will all be shocked, shocked to hear read that... well... I just don't have that much to do with my time.
I mean, besides sitting around reading and learning several origami ... what's the word for origami things? Well, I can make a paper fanny
in the uk sense of the word
and that is all you really need to know

But besides lewd origami and catching up on my bookpile... I just could not think of anything to fill my time!
The only thing I'd really like to have more time for is hanging around in pubs with my friends, drinking cheap cider and laughing.
But they were all BLOODY ASLEEP!

The point I am so sleepily failing to make is that I liked it better when I had a 23 hour day
at least 8 of which I was unconcious for.

so, I bid you all goodnight.
sleep tight.

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