I was stranded at my friend Alex's flat last night, after the most epic game of Monopoly made me miss the last bus. Damn you ARRIVA!
But, on the plus side, she did watch Robin Hood with me beforehand.
I have been 'keeping her up to date' [ie chuntering away about Guy's hair and Gizabella's crazyness] since series 3 began, so she knows roughly what's occuring.
Other than that she has only seen two other episodes.
... and she was half asleep and very inebriated and bound to a chair and gagged when she did
These episodes failed to impress her.
But last night's she enjoyed!
"I don't like it as much as Phyllie-"
Yeah, well obviously Alex... you weren't in costume and you didn't have a "GO GIZ" flag.
"but I'd watch it if there was nothing else on."
high praise indeed.
But... frankly... I think a little bit less of my BFF for this.
I mean, the three eps she has now seen are as such
"Will you tolerate this?"
"Lardinar's Ring" and
"Last Night's Bullshit" oh yes, I went there! I said it!
Now, S01Ep01 may be a little heavy on the historical accuracy for many tastes ( not least of all mine)
I like my nobles leathered...
and my strumpets kohled
But for it's distinct lack of Ye Olde Tai Chi and Casino's it was still an amazing episode!
I mean, Vaisey's hat should win an Oscar alone.
It takes a man very secure with his sexuality to fuck Guy wear ermine
And aside from the general "plot"
(Those bits where Guy isn't on screen but people still talk and do stuff)
Much eats rose petals.
Oh Much. How could Alex not want to take you home, wrap you up in a blanket and feed you Walkers "Cajun Squirrel" flavour crisps in front of Hollyoaks?
Robin is vaguely likable with a sword to his throat
Guy is beautiful and has a halo of subsex er I mean subtext
and Marian... oh the Marian...
Rewatching this episode makes me question my sexuality judgement of character. How I could have disliked S1 maz...?
It baffles me.
Just look at her!
ah the lady is so disinterested and hairpin flinging...
And that is not all from the episode she failed to appreciate!
There's Allan... Oh there's Allan...
His wife's having a baby, she's had the baby, Allan becomes robin hood...
well maybe not the last part... YET
And all manner of other delicious things besides Guy happened.
And Yet!
Alex, my BFF for fucking NOW, did not care for it.
Next, she watched "Lardinars Ring" and I must have been a bit lax with the eye drops or something
because she didn't like that one either!
Serious grounds for dismissal.
The Innuendo! The Tree Porn! The Gisborne!
Well, it's Guy's birthday and, if that's not enough to wet your er... 'whistle'... he's all happies a shtuff look!
He's doing smiling! Albeit in the creepiest way I have seen in quite a while... but that's part of his charm!
Anyways, asides from this, Marian is looking pretty hot.
And she is quick to call Robin out on being a prick. Which endears her to me no end.
Her drinking problem, no doubt caused by living with Hood, is also explored:
Is anybody else buying this? No?
Well, for all my Guy/Marian protests, Marian and Bobbin were actually very sweet and shippable in this episode. All the more so if you take into account that, in the last episode Alex watched, Marian was rather severe.
Or, as Alex put it, "How you [ie me] act when you like someone"
I comfort myself with the hope she may be basing this assumption on our relatively recent schooldays and not my repressed love for Heathy... who's 'borrowed' jumper I am currently snuggled up in.
It's orange, btw Maz... in case you'd like a lend
No? Alright, it was only an offer!
Anyways, back to S02ep09
Guy is showing me up a little by no really acting like the pained, artistic soul I portray to Alex
in fact he's cutting off fingers.
but Allan saves the day by slapping that annoying twat from Gavin and Stacy
the annoying thing about the fool is I think Alex got more excited about him than anything else
Yeah, I don't get it either.
THIS however, I epicly DO get
as opposed to this
But Alex, for somer reason, known only unto herself
prefered this
dude... if we'd not been pals since year ten
and if she didn't know EXACTLY how I take my tea...
we'd have been seriously on the rocks at this point.
I mean... the innuendo at least should have made her love the show
"Burying a corpse in the forest"
for example.
This is a fine example of the sick humour she should be usually enjoys!
and the whole "catch the pidgeon" gag
Oh Alex... I hardly knew ye.
And after all that: the pretty
the funny
and the finger lickin chopping piece of chicken that is Guy
she still prefered last night's bollocks.
oh well
I still love you Ali, because you made me breakfast and you have an adorable kitten
even if she did wake me up 10 times last night
but if you don't address this very serious issue
of liking the dodgy fanfiction 'oh shit we need to introduce an entirely new character to replace the lead role in 3 episodes' episode
then... well... I'm not going to let you hold my "GO GIZ" flag in future.