Mar 12, 2007 23:12
Okay. I just requested to close my DeviantART account. 80% of my submissions were deleted due to terms of violation. I think that place welcomes drawings done by talented people, rather than untalented Photoshop Nazis, yeah? I don't belong there. It's best if I just go far away from that community. I didn't really want an account there anyways. It looked like it started to become some ridiculous mini fad at school. I wanted to explore the functions of that community.
What I did was what I do in my icon community. I touched up screencaps. I posted my wallpaper that I made too. That was taken down too. I guess this is kind of like how people who post their fanart are offended by people who make icons out of their work. Except, the head honchos took it down, rather than raging bystanders.
Ah. I do wonder why my sister likes watching The Black Donellys. I've seen a couple of episodes. They just don't stick. I need to start my homework.
technical difficulties,