So, this year, I think I've seen New York trashed in three different ways. Once thanks to I Am Legend. Two other times on Heroes. Four times, if you count actually seeing New York in person. What's with the virus epidemic trend? I Am Legend's catastrophe was due to a virus. Then there was the Shanti virus. Then I read a story about the Red Death. A week after, my Biology teacher showed me a video about the Ebola virus. Then on Discovery Channel a week ago, they had a program about deathly diseases throughout history. Merry Christmas to you too...
Anyways... I Am Legend was a good movie. I like how it was filmed. Aaand feel free to brick me when I say that I really like the soundtrack usage during the whole movie. It really stood out to me. I'll not get into it.
And... A list of my gifts that I got.
My Christmas parties were a little boring. Hehe. We're getting a little too old for playing with the tricycles outside. Three Christmas parties.
• "Hot Cocoa Trio" mix from Starbucks. White Elephant gifts are so random. Random and tasty.
• A handmade necklace. My great aunt made it... I think? I'm not quite sure how I'm related to her. But I see her every Christmas Eve anyways.
• Two American Eagle gift cards.
• A iTunes gift card.
• Some clothes that I don't particularly like.
• The Office. Season 1 & 2. Yay!
• Arrested Development. All seasons. Steve Holt!
• Metroid Prime: Corruption. I need to start playing that.
• Lost. Season 3. It's so pretty!
• Portable iPod stereo. It's exactly what I asked for.
• New ear phones. Today, my dad has asked me four times whether I've tried them yet.
• Nike watch. Very nice watch. I've been borrowing my sister's all this time.
• A shirt from Abercrombie & Fitch. Looks a little too much like the one they gave me last year. Haven't worn that one yet either...
• Wonderfalls DVD. I can finally watch it all!
• And several dollar bills. :D