it's a picspam, bitch!

Aug 21, 2009 13:23

I promised a picspam today, and I am a woman of my word. Plus, Rolling Stone just posted a gallery of gorgeous pics, and therefore there WILL be a picspam.

(I am working on your drabbles. But they are less drabbles and more ficlets. So be patient and you will be rewarded with a multitude of words. Or something.)

I think for today's theme, I will go through my photobucket and post whatever strikes my fancy, and we will call it Bitch's Choice. Fuck yeah! There will be surprises. Who knows what will show up in here? I have like a million random pictures in my photobucket. You think you know... BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA.

He's not wearing SHOES, you guys! There's something so ridiculously adorable and vulnerable about his little white socks.

How awesome is this picture? I mean, anyone can take a photo of Kris looking gorgeous, because he's Kris, it's not like that's HARD. But this picture is just so COOL, I dunno. I like the colors and the lights and how it looks like a SECRET. Kris's plaid is full of secrets. I bet HE knows who the one-armed man is.

I wonder if Adam ever gets sick of salad. That's what's hiding in his bag, right? Sigh. Dear Adam, you are not fat. If you would just take off your clothes more, we would prove it to you.

Who's a rockstar? KRIS ALLEN IS A ROCKSTAR!!!

Also? Adam. That coat. I dunno. It's like, got its own zip code or something, that's how crazy awesome it is. Cassidy is kind of a genius. Just saying. Oooh, I wish I had a picture of HIM. Clearly, I need to get some. Yes.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm pretty sure this one is worth like five million for the gold spandex shorts ALONE.

Mmmm Corona. I bet Cheeks is missing Lonestar. I mean, it IS the national beer of Texas.

I dunno, you guys. I think maybe Adam IS fat. And ugly. Wow, he's gross. Just look at that picture. How could I ever think he was hot? Plus, I heard he's gay, and not even in that Jonas Brothers way where they pretend to be virgins because they secretly want to do dudes, but like actually for REAL gay. It's a good thing he's so gross, in that case. Ick.

SURPRISE OTP!!!!! Dear Britney and Justin, please get back together because you were so awesome together and you wore MATCHING DENIM OUTFITS and omg yes. Your children would be so pretty and such good dancers and have mediocre-but-distinctive voice and it would be awesome. Love, me.

LOL WHAT?? This is what girls in Texas do instead of homecoming. No, I don't know why. It's a weird and disturbing ritual. I'm pretty sure wearing an awesome dress and dancing all night is way better than this fuckery. Glad I grew up in Ohio, for once.

Pretend Justin isn't there with his gross out nuclear disaster hair and just concentrate on the adorableness of JC and Britney. *heeeeaaaaaarrrrrtttttts*

SURPRISE OTP#2: this time even trashier and more dysfunctional!

Which is hotter? JC touching himself, or...

Adam jerking off inanimate objects? This is like asking which half of the baby you want.

LOL FOREVER. I hope they at least got to actually fuck after all the gossip this photo spurred.

Dear Ms. Harless, Would it be wrong to invite a dancer I've only met once out on tour with me if he already has two kids and his girlfriend is pregnant with his third? Just so you know, he's not really sure they're actually his. What do you think? Love, Bitsy.


Oh, Richie. I'm very sad that your boyband broke up, because I loved you and your anime hair.

NO ONE CAN HANDLE HER TRUTH! (or her cleavage)


Penis pants win at LIFE.

Justin's OTP. Ahahaha.

JC's trucker hat is bedazzled: your argument is invalid!

Oh, HEEEEYYYYY Jensen. Hey! Hi. Yeah, there's nothing clever to say about this.

This chick did not even blink when we asked her to take a picture with bobbleheads. It IS Vegas, though, I'm sure it's not the weirdest thing someone's asked her to do.

Oh, Bitsy, it pleases me to no end that you are on meds and doing well again. Crazy Britney was upsetting. I want Sam Lutfi to go to jail for the things he did.

So, yes. Everyone who says Britney is fat or lost her hot or whatever else? STFU. IT'S BRITNEY, BITCH!

Oh, hi Lance!! HI!!! I love you!! I wish you and Adam could be boyfriends!!


You know, if Cheeks were wearing Bobbie's outfit, I bet it would look good. Just saying.

Did I post this one yet? Here's a little story to go with it, just in case it's a repeat.

@adamlambert hey adam guess what
@KrisAllen4Real you're wearing plaid
@adamlambert no. well yes. but that's not the thing you're supposed to guess
@KrisAllen4Real youre changing your name to herbert
@adamlambert ew, no. if i changed my name it would be to something cool. like chris. or topher.
@KrisAllen4Real stop reading that staggering genius book, i already told you it sucks
@adamlambert that's not the thing. you suck at guessing
@KrisAllen4Real i suck at a lot of things
@adamlambert i can SEE you smirking, you know.
@KrisAllen4Real that's kinda the point. i'm sick of guessing. just tell me the thing.
@adamlambert ...i forgot.

Wolfgang likes salad, supposedly. I think he's just trying to make Adam feel better about having to eat it all time, like how my mom used to pretend to like gross vegetables to get me to eat them. wolfgang is such a caring skunk. (The other day I was walking to work in the morning, by the way, and I totally got ambushed by an opossum! It hissed at me. It was GIGANTIC. I may have screamed a little. HUSHCATS.)

In conclusion, bear!Justin sez: DO NOT WANT.


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