Last week I asked you all to choose the
Best Fic Ever. After a week of polling and many comments from people extolling the virtues of their Chosen, here are the results!
(If you have taken too long to answer the poll, don't worry, I am not closing it. Answer the poll and comment at that post with a reason why you chose what you did, and I will add it to the list!)
Another note: Some of these fics have no explanation for why they were chosen, because their choose-ees didn't give me one and I hadn't read the fic to give an opinion. I would love to have comments about each fic listed, though, so if you want to say why a fic is awesome (even if it wasn't your choice), leave me a comment and I will edit the post accordingly.
Fics appear in the order in which their Choosers posted to the poll. If you didn't leave me a link, your fic won't be on the list. Any corrections, please leave me a comment.
And finally, the fandom range is pretty limited, which is an unfortunate side effect of me knowing lots of popslashers and HP people, and not many others. So no offense intended to other fandoms; I fully realize the results of this are skewed.
It Doesn't Mean You Can Explain the Ocean by rageprufrock (SPN) // I started reading this. I haven't finished it yet, but I will say this: the descriptions are gorgeous and I am eternally impressed by people who can write such perfect SPN characterizations without it sounding too Show Narrative.
Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose by
synecdochic (SGA) // This was my choice. It truly ruined me for all other SGA fic. It's not really a fic at all; it's just so fucking excellent and brilliant that there's not a lot I can say about it except to read it and see for yourself. Or as
notthequiettype told me: " anyone who doesn't say "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" in sga is just wrong. wrong wrong wrong. that fic is transcendent of fandom, of the show, of the entire concept of fan fiction. it is one of the best pieces of writing i have ever read, period." A LOT of people chose this fic, unsurprisingly. Even if you've never seen an episode of SGA or SG1 in your life, and never seen the awesome movies before, GO READ THIS FIC. Do it now.
onfindan by
astolat (Merlin) // I read this one! My first Merlin fic, and who better to get me through it than astolat, who's a fabulous writer. This is a cute Merlin fic and I really enjoyed it, particularly the characterizations of Arthur and Morgana.
The Way You Know Him by Beth & Kaelie (popslash) // Oh, TWYKH. I will start by saying that this was probably the second or third most-chosen Best Fic Ever. I resisted reading this for a long time. I love JuC, and I love Aus, but right away the Joey characterization really threw me off. I stopped reading in the first chapter the first time I read it. But then one day I decided to try again, and I didn't stop. Because I think there's something to be said about characterizations we don't necessarily agree with or that don't jive with our view of the people they're depicting. The story is so excellent and the writing is very good and the romance of it all is just so sweeping that honestly, I could care less who the story thinks it's about; the characters Beth and Kaelie created are people outside of any fandom or canon. They are real and wonderful and I love this story.
Parallel Connections Over Symmetric Spaces by ?? (Numb3rs) // Reccer said: "But truly, the best fic ever, so no regrets. I hadn't watched the show ever before I read it, nothing has ever stuck with me as much."
The Jared Padalecki Untitled Project by
esohpe (CWRPS)
Last Stop: Chicagoland by
phaballa (CWRPS) // I'm not going to talk about this fic. I think everyone knows about it, and I'm a little embarrassed that I'm putting it on the List, but someone chose it and if they want to say something about it, they can!
Oklahoma by Amperage and Livengoo (X-Files)
Five Districts, Five Drugs by
rei_c (SPN) // The reccer said: "This is probably the most unhappy fic I've read (I'm a real wuss about my fic), the characterizations are fascinating, and based on what's been going on with the show recently, sort of prophetic (in a way). You don't particularly like a lot of these people but at the end of the day you really need to know everything about them."
New Year by Rizabeau (QaF)
Written by the Victors by Speranza (SGA)
Time of Your Life by
astolat (AI RPF) // Apparently this is like 20k words about David Cook, and I am TOTALLY going to read it.
The Shadow of His Wings by Mirabella (HP) // I know I have read this, but it was a very long time ago. I remember it being excellent, and that's about as far as I get.
Only Time Universe by Xie (QaF) // The reccer said: " The writing is gorgeous, Brian and Justin are beautifully in character, and this is completely and totally what happened in my head. I can't read any other post-513 story because they all go against "canon" to me now."
The Doors of Time by
felisblanco (CWRPS) // Reccer said: " It's long, it's amazing and she created a whole new world. Once I started reading I couldn't stop. This story often didn't even feel like fanfiction. I know I read a lot of "books" that are written not half as good as her story."
Boys by Casey V. (Kingdom Hearts)
Red by
big_pink (SPN)
The Long Run by
wearemany (popslash) // Reccer said: "The opening line of this grabbed me, and it never let go. This fic solidified my idea of what fanfic can do on a good day, and every story I've read since get graded against it." This was the second most-chosen fic. And I know why-because it's amazing. Even if you hate popslash, hate Justin Timberlake (maybe especially then), you should read this fic. It's unnecessary to know anything about these people other than what is written in this story. The writing is gorgeous, the story is brilliantly told, the characterizations are subtle and perfect and yet wholly her own, and the relationships are complicated and heart-breaking and wonderful.
peter_and_fran (LotRiPS) // Reccer said: " MUSIC + HOBBITS + VIGGGGGGGO = epic wins"
Rat's Alley by Fabula Rasa (HP) // Reccer said: "The fic I submitted is HP fandom, and the one I've downloaded at first read and keep on reading from month to month despite not having been in any part of the Harry Potter fandom for years. Even the pairing is weird but is now my OTP. It is simply this big mix of all my kinks and geek-love rolled into good writing and dipped in porn."
Dear Goodbye by
phaballa (popslash) // Someone actually chose this, and thank you. I do think it's the best thing I've ever written. This story broke my heart. And that's all I will say.
The Last Summer by Annie Sewell-Jennings (BtVS) // Reccer said: " I was torn between Herself and Annie Sewell-Jennings and I chose Annie's bleak, post nuclear detonation world where only a handful of humans still live. Such a poignant story. And the last chapter never fails to make me well up."
Riding the Wheel of It by Various Artists (Star Wars)
Slouching Towards Bethlehem by MrsHamill (SGA/SG1) // Reccer said: The fic I rec'd is an awesome SGA/SG-1 crossover of Marvel What If? proportions. I can't even tell you about it, you just have to read it. There is a sequel, linked on the page, so watch out for that."
Between the Idea and the Reality by
__kirisaite (Death Notice)
Not Based on a True Story by Isilya (popslash) // I myself have recced this story many times and even ripped it off once, because it is just that brilliant. It's meta inside meta inside meta. It's perfectly written with interesting characterizations that are so real and sad that they make me a bit breathless. I've reread this probably a dozen times and I always see something new. It's amazing.
Shuffle: of a Kind by Moonpants (HP)
A Howling in the Factory Yard by
synecdochic (SG1) // A reader says: "It is an amazing and epic series of stories. It's an SG1 AU featuring Jack's Clone and a far more seriously injured Cameron Mitchel. Well worth the time to read the whole series. The world building is amazing. After reading the 1st book, I dare you not to feel like spending the holidays with the Mitchell clan.
But, the real gem is the 2nd book. The 2nd book is brilliant, creepy, and deeply disturbing. I re-read this whole series every 6 months or so, and each time the 2nd book is better than I remembered."
Towards the Limits of Maps by
winterweathered (The OC) // Reccer said: " This is one fic I can read over and over and over and never get bored with. I love the characterizations, I love the storyline, I love it all."
The Edge of Raisin aka
valiumbitch by
fluffontop (popslash) // This is probably the funniest thing I have ever read, hands down. Funnier than Good Omens. Every fandom needs a Bridget Jones's Diary spoof, and I am pretty sure popslash has the best.
Night on Earth by
hkath (LOST)
Room Serviced by
pir8fancier (HP) // Reccer said: " I love that story a lot. This was the first time I read something like this and it felt like it could really be part of the actual story. Like these characters in these books could actually become like that, feel that way, have that kind of a relationship. It is a little bit to blame for me thinking that yes, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy (or Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter) can have sex. I think because it gave a really good reason why. I like the feel of it, too. The emotion and mood that she manages to get across."
Rake at the Gates of Hell and
Through a Glass Darkly by
synecdochic (popslash) // This fic is SUCH a mindfuck. Magic and boybanders and demons and… and… I can't explain it's awesomeness. I just wish there were more. Synecdochic has the honor of having the most fics chosen as Best Fic Ever.
MPREG by Rhys (popslash) Note: Wayback link // This might possibly be the MPREG to end all MPREGS. It's the epitome of MPREGs, but with Chris Kirkpatrick, which makes it ten million times better. There are drawings, you guys. Of How MPREG Works. DRAWINGS.
Certain Coasts Set Apart by SkoosiePants (bandslash)
i am lazarus, come from the dead by
heartscientist (bandslash) // Reccer said: "doesn't the title alone make you want to read it? basically, it's about Ryan Ross who turns into Alice in Wonderland at night. I love AUs, and I love long, angsty, trippy AUs that fuck up your head even more. you never quite know which world is real, or if they're both real or not."
In No Man`s Land by
minnow_53 (HP) // Reccer said: " Well, I think Minnow is an amazing Harry Potter - writer in general. It was hard to choose only one of her stories, but I knew it had to be one of her non-magic AUs. There are always references to the Magic World to be found that change their meaning in a "real-world" context, thus giving an interesting twist to her stories."
Goodnight Moon by Yahtzee (Joan of Arcadia)
Lust Over Pendle by AJ Hall (HP) // I love this fic! I forgot it existed but now that I remember, I really want to read it again. It's Draco/Neville, already a weird pairing, but it's so amazing and funny and adventures and Neville's grandmother!!! It's great. Definitely one of my favorite HP fics.
In the Company of Demons by Stele3(?) (SPN)
In the Company of Ghosts by Kodiakke Max (Farscape) // Reccer said: "Epic, sweeping, brilliantly plotted, emotional but not sentimental, takes the canon and turns it on its head, and makes Aeryn Sun even more awesome than in canon (if that's possible)."
Close Enough by Helen (HP)