deep breaths, part 2, electric boogaloo

Jun 17, 2008 15:59

Okay SO. So. Got a call from Grassroots Campaigns offering me the job. But they don't know where I would be placed. And after health insurance, it only pays about $20k, AND I would probably have to move locations in August for the voter drive. Way to make it worth it, Grassroots!

So I told them I needed to get in touch with the Drug Place. I called the Drug Place, and she basically said they haven't made a decision yet, she was hoping they'd make one by next week but it'd gotten pushed back due to some website launches, blah blah. I told her that I had another offer and I could probably hold them off until next week, because I would really much rather come work for the Drug Place. And here's how that went:

Drug Lady: Well, if I were you, I would hold off on--well, I really shouldn't be giving advice.

...those were her exact words. NO IDEA what that means. I also have an interview tomorrow for a cushy admin job at the University, which I think my mom would really love for me to take because of the likelihood I'd go back to school, maybe finish my MSW or something. Even though there's a chance I could get placed in Ohio or Chicago for Grassroots. But if I was working 100 horus/week, it's not like I could drive up to Toledo and spend time with my family at all anyway. My other issue with that is, if I'm working 100 hours a week and only making what, $1200/month if that, how am I going to look for a permanent job for after the election? It's not like they'd be paying me enough to save money to be unemployed for any amount of time.

So. I don't know. I think I will keep putting GC off until I know about the Drug Job, because I REALLY want the drug job, and my feeling is, if they've put it off this long (she told me she wanted to have this done by the end of MAY, but it's not up to her...), other candidates will have gotten jobs by now. And then I can be the default winner!! I would take that. I would so rock the shit out of that job.

Plus, it's not 100 hours a week.

personal, work

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