Fic: Now That's What I Call A Motherfucking Oedipal Complex! | popslash | adult

Mar 31, 2008 09:27

Now That's What I Call A Motherfucking Oedipal Complex!

Fandom: popslash
Pairings: JOSHLYNN, JuC, and some Lynncesty vibes
Rating: Adult
Comments: Written for word2urmomma. This fic is dedicated to three very special people. First, to MsG, who doesn't know me, but who wrote one of my very favorite fics and the first JOSHLYNN I ever read. Second, to stubbleglitter, who ( Read more... )

popslash, rps, joshlynn for the win, fic, going to hell

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nopseud March 31 2008, 16:08:54 UTC
This is me, down on my knees with a bunch of roses and a ring with a diamond the size of Justin's Oedipal complex, proposing marriage to this story because I love it THAT MUCH. Oh, God. It's just so...essence of Joshlynn. And Lynncest. Not to mention containing and utterly fabulous JC and fabulously deranged Justin. Plus, Paul! Even if he's only mentioned in the background, that makes me oddly happy.

I could basically quote the whole fic back, but these are the bits where I almost choked to death trying not to disturb my other half with shrieks of laughter while he's working.

"Well. I'm adopted," JC says. "So it’s not like an incest thing or something. Now that would be gross."


"Holy shit. That's fucked up." Joey swallows and clears his throat. "So, uh. You think she'd do me? Because, dude, your mom's kinda hot and if she's already doing JC then-"

Aha! Oh, Justin. You should have known that confiding in Joey would be the biggest mistake ever.

He just doesn't appreciate it when his friends talk about his mom like she's some sort of sex object. She may be kinda hot, but she's still his mom, Justin thinks angrily, and goes into the bathroom to jerk off.

Oh, Justin.

Justin stares at him. "I don't know what that even means. But I guess it's better than-I thought you were fucking her in the ass."

JC coughs. "Well, um, that too. We take turns, because uh, equality is important in a healthy relationship and anal sex is a perfectly acceptable expression of caring."


He doesn't think his mom is hot because she's his mom and she gave birth to him and things, which brings up a whole different level of wrongness when he thinks about how JC is going IN the place Justin came out of

I love you!

"No shit. If JC were fucking your mom, it'd probably affect your professional life, too."

"My mother died in 1992."

"I think that only proves my point."


"It's a lube shooter!" Justin says. "It's, you know. Not to be gross or whatever, but it's for getting lube into asses. Without, um, have to touch the gross parts."

At this point, I made a very high-pitched noise and scared the cat.

"Well she's not JC's mom," Lance says. "So it's not freaky if he wants to do her." Lance stares at him pointedly, like Justin is supposed to magically understand what nuances Lance is trying to get at.

Just pretend I quoted this whole section, and then giggled for five minutes. Oh, Lance. We can always rely on you to cut right to the point. And Justin to miss that point once again.

And then they do the Ananda Lewis show with their parents

{seal claps of joy}

OMG, ANANDA LEWIS! Now I'm just imagining the camera panning along them all lined up on the stools, and it's all sweet and lovely and aww, bless them all, and then HOLY FUCK LOOK AT JUSTIN AND LYNN THERE AT THE END.

"...okay then. I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that."

See! Chris has the only sane, sensible response to this situation. Although I bet he'd fuck Lynn too. I'm just saying.

Because really, the thing is, a boy has needs. And sometimes, a boy needs his mother.

{satisfied sigh}

See, there is totally no need for a serious angsty version of this story, because it is already absolutely perfect in every possible way.


phaballa March 31 2008, 16:31:18 UTC
You know, it's funny, but I didn't realize how completely this fic is just a literal interpretation of Justin's Oedipal complex until I was trying to think of a title. And then I was all, "Holy shit, because JC is *totally* like Justin's real dad and talk about a literal castration anxiety..." ANyway. That amused me.

All of Nsync wants to do Lynn. Even Lance, I'm pretty sure. I'm still waiting for someone to write that fic. The one where Lance has totally had sex with a woman, and it was good. Because it was LYNN.

So, Ananda. Is amazing because there at the end is JC-Lynn-Justin. JC is wearing a sleeveless shirt. And he's pressed right up against Lynn, and she's wearing a short-sleeved shirt, and their arms are touching and Justin's on the end all trying to hold Lynn's attention and yes. PERFECT. They make it soooo easy.

The line about JC going IN where Justin came OUT is totally yours! I still have that email somewhere with the best conversation ever written between JC and Chris. ♥

I still want the very serious, disturbing version of this. But I would totally take the Justin-can't-have-sex-without-Lynn-in-bed one, too. Heee.


nopseud March 31 2008, 16:38:00 UTC
The one where Lance has totally had sex with a woman, and it was good. Because it was LYNN.

That would be awesome.

I still have that email somewhere with the best conversation ever written between JC and Chris. ♥

Hah! I shouls post that just as it is, because I don't have a real story for the challenge, but the whales thing still makes me happy every time I think about it.

Too many badwrong fic ideas, too little time :-)


phaballa March 31 2008, 16:41:23 UTC
You should post it! The WHALES omg. I forgot about the WHALES!! And yes, you should share that with the class. Because everyone should get to experience that awesomeness :P


nopseud March 31 2008, 18:45:52 UTC
You know, it's funny, but I didn't realize how completely this fic is just a literal interpretation of Justin's Oedipal complex until I was trying to think of a title. And then I was all, "Holy shit, because JC is *totally* like Justin's real dad and talk about a literal castration anxiety..." ANyway.

Although even Lance is going to have to admit that Justin is going for a pretty novel solution, there, trying to overcome his Oedipal Complex by sleeping with his father.


phaballa March 31 2008, 19:26:59 UTC
It's the inevitable conclusion that Freud never thought of because he had such a fucked up view of women :P But you know, frat boys have been doing it for *decades*.


llamabitchyo March 31 2008, 20:51:59 UTC
Even Lance, I'm pretty sure. I'm still waiting for someone to write that fic. The one where Lance has totally had sex with a woman, and it was good. Because it was LYNN.

Is it weird that I find that incredibly hot?

Can it be Lance during his baby dyke stage?

Oh, happy thoughts.


phaballa March 31 2008, 20:58:19 UTC
Oh, it would *totally* be Lance during his baby dyke phase. Like, they're in Europe and he's all sad because his mom isn't there but Lynn *is*, and Lance likes to spend time with her because she's a mom and he misses home and all, and then, I dunno, something *changes* and Lynn totally devirginizes him and he's all, "I love women, I'm not totally gay after all!" but then, you know, he tries with Not Lynn and it doesn't work because it's Not Lynn.


llamabitchyo March 31 2008, 21:06:17 UTC
*fights the urge to try this*

Ah. You know what my problem is? I'm feeling sad I don't have enough fics yet to participate in a Remix. So I need some shorter fic ideas instead of epic ones and then I'll be ready for next year...


phaballa March 31 2008, 21:08:02 UTC
How many do you have?? I think fics only have to be 500 words to be considered. We could think of a few you could write really quickly in time for sign ups!


llamabitchyo March 31 2008, 21:20:42 UTC
Only 2 completed. There's half of my MTYG sequel written, so maybe I could get that one done.

Hmm... I should reread my sparkly dream babble posts for short!fic inspiration.

You know, now I'm thinking something crazy like Lynn's always wanted to try lesbianism because it seems so sexy in theory, but dammit, everytime she's tried, she just can't get past the lack of cock. Darn it, she just loves it too much. And dildos just aren't the same. And here she is in Germany and they go to these strange clubs and she keeps seeing Lance out of the corner of her eye and thinking "what a cute girl" and then recognizing him, and she feels so bad about it until she realizes OMG! Finally I can have my lesbian experience and eat cock, too!



phaballa March 31 2008, 21:25:29 UTC MUST write that, omg.

And then what you can do is finish the MTYG sequel, and then maybe ask for a couple ficlet prompts and just write a couple short things. I don't know how long it takes you to write, but I can usually write 1000 words in an hour if I get inspired.

I can't believe you've only written that much! Your fic is soooo good.


llamabitchyo March 31 2008, 21:31:35 UTC
Well, I didn't start reading Popslash until late October... But it's certainly got me wanting to do more.

I'm a slow writer, I think. But then... I wrote the momma fic in 3 days. So I can do it. I'll think positively!


phaballa March 31 2008, 21:34:50 UTC
And the momma fic is AMAZING. Definitely think positive :) Plus, remix is so much fun. You don't want to miss it!


llamabitchyo April 1 2008, 11:56:02 UTC MUST write that, omg.

I'm working on it.

And I'll look at the story requests and if those don't grab me, ask for prompts. I'm not sure I have that many people who would offer prompts, though? We'll see.


phaballa April 1 2008, 13:51:29 UTC
Oh, they would!! I know *I* would!


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