my favorite J2 and SPN fics

Feb 20, 2008 21:21

So foxmonkey was asking for SPN recs, and I was just going to leave all this in a comment, but... it would be really long, several comments long, so instead, have some recs.


+ Honey, Flower, Apple, and Lime by veronamay // This is a completely adorable, fabulous, Victorian AU.

+ Get the Door, It's Dominoes by notthequiettype // Who is a fabulous writer, so just read everything by her. But yes. Jared is a pizza boy. And it's just wonderful in ten million ways.

+ More Human Than Human by cathybites // It's a space AU in which Jensen is a sexbot.

+ With This Ring by babyofthegroup // This is probably one my all-time favorite J2 fic. It's just... I know it's probably not technically the best fic out there, but it makes me really really happy. Jensen and Jared decide to get married. But first they have to have a wedding.

+ Rewind by gigantic // This piece makes me ache. It's beautiful, sexy, ridiculously well-written, and funny. Jared and Jensen tape themselves. And it's the best thing pretty much ever. I love her Jared and Jensen. They almost make me believe that dating could be a good experience. But mainly sex. And boys who constantly mock each other.

+Good Boys Don't by winterlive // Warning: het. Okay so, the thing about this fic is that it's the best Mary Sue ever. I mean, I don't know if it could really be called a Mary Sue, but it's like... that guilty pleasure of reading a Babysitter's Club book or Sweet Valley High or something. I love it so much.

+backhomeboys // Friend it, read it all, it's amazing. I've reread it a bunch of times. I believe it's unfinished though, so be careful about that.

+ By the Letter by winterlive // This is a classic. Um, Jared has an iPod or something, that's all I really remember except that it's awesome and I read it 3 years ago and I still remember it being awesome.


+ Rubber Ducky, You're the One by impertinence // Dean turns into a rubber duck. It is seriously the best thing I have ever read, EVER.

+ Exact Change by dontyouwaitup // Wincest. Which I don't usually read, but this was good. Angsty, if you like that. I don't remember the plot, just that I enjoyed it and that's odd for me and Wincest.

+Blood in the Soil by ethrosdemon // This fic is so hard to describe. Technically it's Supernatural, but really it's doing something totally different and crazy and I love it. It's the first episode written as an AU, kind of conflating the actors and the characters. Sam and Dean grew up on a ranch. With ghosts. Sam is a rodeo star. Need I say more?

+ There Be Monsters by mcee // This is a great character sketch of Dean. It hurts in all the right ways and it really digs into the whole 'why is everyone always leaving me' part of Dean that's so integral to his character. But not in a whiny, emo way. In a very Dean way. Calm, collected, resigned with an edge of bitterness and anger that just barely burns through. The tone of this is perfect.

+ Recovering the Satellites by coffee_in_bed // Sam and Dean smoke some pot.

+ Samson Went Back to Bed by endora_taylor // A sort of what-if story. What if they didn't get hit by the semi? It reads almost like a fever dream. Sparsely written but so full of unspoken details that you get a complete picture anyway. I love the feeling of unease throughout the fic--it's got that itch like you know something's wrong, and they know something's wrong, and then.

+ Strangers in Another Town by trollprincess // Now, if you've seen the jin episode, you might recognize the plot of this fic. Because the show totally borrowed it from trollprincess, but she did it better and FIRST. They should be paying her royalties.

+ The Devil Really Does Wear Prada by balefully // Wincest. Um, Sam runs away from home to work at a fashion magazine, and it pretty much follows the plot of The Devil Wears Prada from there. Has the most HILARIOUS and awesome Sam ever. EVER.

Self Recs
(Not to be conceited or anything, but I've written some pretty awesome RPS in my day, so you know. *pimps* All my rps can be found right here. A lot of times I don't like the fics everyone else loves, so...maybe go by comment count and ignore my recs.)

+ Last Stop: Chicagoland // This was my Big Bang fic last year. It's sort of epic. Jensen and Jared are married with kids. It's the best thing I've ever written, hands down. I love every bit of it.

+ Mean Boys: Long Live the Queen // It's a high school AU, kind of. Except that Jensen and Jared are boys who are girls who like boys who are boys who like girls. It really... you have to read it. I can't even explain it to myself.

+ He's Not Kinky, He's Your Governor // An AU in which Jensen, Jared, and all the CW boys live in Austin and have regular-person jobs. Jensen's a dishwasher. Jared works at a call center raising money for liberal organizations. Someone is a balloon twister, I think. They try to get Kinky Friedman elected Governor of Texas.

+ Dirty Pop: The Worst Case Scenario Guide to Surviving A Boy Band // Jensen, Jared, Chad, Tom, and Mike are a boyband called Project Mayhem. And if you don't want to read it after that, I might have to disown you. Probably the funniest thing I've ever written.

+Gotta Dance with Them What Brung You // I can't really believe I wrote this. It seems like a long time ago. It's just about normal shit--Jensen loves Jared and Jared loves Sandy but he loves Jensen, too, blah blah. But the structure is really lovely.


And that's all my recs, I'm all recc'd out. Oh, but I forgot the iPod one. Who has a link for that?

ETA: And who has a link for Runway!Sammy?? Got it, thanks!

rps, recs, spn

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