bah bah black sheep

Aug 04, 2007 13:08

That Works in Progress meme thing.

Now, I don't really have too many WIPs, because I tend to finish things once I start writing them, but since I'm in the middle of editing a couple finished things, I thought I'd give it a shot. And because I am bored and Netflix hasn't yet delivered disc 4 of Popular for me to watch.

1) The "Jensen is a Governess" fic, currently untitled. AU | Genderfuck | J2

And then it's luncheon, complete with an appearance from Miss Megan, Mr Padelacki's sister, his insane cousin Chad, who spends most of his time drooling and talking to himself in the attic, and Old Mrs. Padelacki, who narrows her eyes and purses her lips at Jensen, saying in a rather disapproving tone, "My dear, are you quite sure that neckline is standard? Because from here it looks as though it's at least two inches below chin height!"

Cousin Chad takes the opportunity to leer at Jensen and comment, "Oh yes, Auntie, I do believe you're correct as usual. Our little governess seems to lack both a sense of fashion and decorum. The example she's setting for the girls is simply atrocious and if I had my way-"

"Shut it, Chad," Miss Megan says, grinning at Jensen and helping Meg with her soup spoon. "No, come on Meggie, you can't just slurp from the bowl, that's not how a lady does it. Anyway," she says, turning to glare at Chad, "like you would know anything about fashion. Or are they delivering sketches of the latest trends to the attic these days?"

2) Popslash | JuC

The only game JC lets you cheat at is Sims, because, "it's no fun if you don't have enough money to get them cool shit." JC spends hours trolling through websites trying to find free downloads for skins and extra furniture and floor patterns and shit, but when it comes to creating the family, you push his hands away from the keyboard and take over.

"I'm making the Nsync family," you tell him, and then give the JC character spiky blue hair and cowboy boots. You make Chris a kid, because he pretty much is one, and you make Lance a girl.

"Dude, that's sort of. That's not nice, man," JC says, staring at the pretty blond girl Sim you've named 'Lance,' but he's smiling into his hand, so you know he thinks it's funny.

"It's not mean if it's true," you say. "At least I'm not making him wear a dress."

"Lance looks terrible in drag," JC agrees. "We'll put a hot tub in his bedroom, and let him have a dog or something."

When the Justin and JC characters die in a tragic kitchen fire due to JC's very low cooking skill level and the fact that you forgot to install a fire alarm in the kitchen, you think maybe it's a sign that you should stop playing, but JC says no.

"If the rest of the guys don't mourn us," he tells you, biting his lip as he points and clicks, "we'll come back as zombies. It's totally cool, dude. And where the fuck is the maid? She hasn't emptied the trash in days."

3) For spn_harlequin: J2 | Nanny fic

Getting a job turned out to be a lot easier than Jared thought it would be. He showed up where the agency told him, a tall, pale yellow three-story on Queen Street just a few blocks from Waterfront Park with a wrought-iron gate blocking the sidewalk and a buzzer to get in. Jared wasn't sure what, exactly, he was expecting-a Jackie-O wannabe who'd had more plastic surgery than Michael and Janet Jackson combined, maybe-but Jensen Ackles really wasn't it.

For one thing, he was hot. Also, young. But mostly, really, blindingly hot. The kids barely registered in Jared's mind. They were kids, and kid-shaped-small and it probably had hair and eyes and things, but all Jared could see was the really fucking hot guy answering the door.

"You're not a nun," Ackles said, which actually made no sense at all, but it hardly mattered, because-hot.

"Um, no. Why would I be a nun?"

Ackles shrugged. "I thought the agency would send someone, you know. Appropriate. Like a nun. It'd be like The Sound of Music. You'd be all innocent and shy and make my kids ugly playclothes out of curtains, and I'd be the gruff-yet-loving father who needed the sweet, innocent nun to remind him of the good old days. There would be singing and puppet shows and evil Baronesses and more singing. Then we'd get married and have to flee the country because of all the Nazis."

"Um," said Jared, and okay so, this Ackles guy was maybe super hot, but also? Off his fucking rocker. "I'm not a nun," Jared said after a minute. "But I can pretend, if it would get me the job."

"Into role-play, huh?" Ackles said, and let him in.

...and that's it. I told you, I don't do WIPs. I just finish them. Because I am AWESOME, clearly.

popslash, rps, fic, going to hell

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