a victory for upfish!

Apr 17, 2007 09:14

Firstly, today's JC Moment of Zen:

This is one of my favorite clips EVER of JC. He's just so happy to be singing in the aquarium with his boys. And he sounds RIDICULOUSLY fantastic. He made me like this song, and I did NOT like this song for years previous. And you can hear Lance a little, and they all look so pretty in their special pretty Atlantis outfits, and JC has the curly crazy hair!! And also, I am pretty sure that in the aquarium, JC is wearing socks with his sandles. Wahahaha.

For those of you who missed his interview yesterday:
a) JC is the smartest man in the world
b) JC knows how to use the word dichotomy correctly in a sentence, although I'm pretty sure half the people listening had no idea what he was talking about
c) When he thinks he's talking to kids (who turn out to be adult women or boys who take offense), JC calls everyone 'honey' or 'sweetie' or 'cutie.' Which normally I hate, but I'd be okay with JC calling me any of those.
d) Because you know what he really wants to do is called them 'shitty' or 'fucker'

Thirdly, [a victory for upfish!]. Brigham Young University has changed their honor code regarding homosexuality. It used to state that advocacy of homosexual behavior would be in violation of the honor code. But now it states that being gay is fine, SAYING you're gay is fine, but everyone needs to maintain the code of chastity, gay or straight. The text actually reads:

"Brigham Young University will respond to homosexual behavior rather than to feelings or orientation and welcomes as full members of the university community all whose behavior meets university standards. . . . One's stated sexual orientation is not an Honor Code issue. However, the Honor Code requires all members of the university community to manifest a strict commitment to the law of chastity."

Which is a small victory for Upfish, but a victory nonetheless. Because hey--Mormons are pretty damned conservative. They are also the fastest growing religion world-wide. And BYU is actually a good school. So it's good to see highly conservative religious institutions enforcing the same weird chastity code across the board, gay or straight. No sex for ANYONE, woo! But seriously, this is a good thing. The LDS church is taking baby steps in the right direction as opposed to, say, the evangelicals, who are right now training their small children to be warriors in the fight against gay sex.

Later today: happy hooker crossover AU of DOOM.

ETA: I almost forgot: the Lance 'n Joey Show last night!!! *flails* Lance and the dancing and the HIPS and uh, I think my brain shorted out. Normally I just think Lance is adorable and gay and I want to take him shopping or watch that terrible Rosie-is-retarded-on-the-bus movie with him so we can be bitchy together, but last night? WOW, I dunno, he was just seriously hot last night. LANCE! He needs to get a new boyfriend. And then make out with him everywhere.

politics, jc is made of failcats

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