You may or may not know this, but I am a HUGE NIN fans. I own every album, including imports that cost me ridiculous amounts of money. I haven't listened to the leaks up until now for Year Zero, but I've been following the story and the whole idea of how NIN is putting this album out. In the album, Trent Reznor imagines a future world of fascism, sort of like V for Vendetta, in which art and culture have all but been lost. Year Zero is meant to be the revolution of that world.
And now we have a video. Survivalism. Watch it.]
As usual, NIN really brings shit home with the videos. It's a simple yet genius concept--you're watching various scenes of illicit behavior via a surveillence camera. Trent and the band singing the song; a topless asian chick; two guys having sex.
Yes, Trent went there. GAY SEX IN A NIN VIDEO. \O/ Today, I love the world.
And then, of course, they all get killed by fascists. But still. NIN hearts the gays. Trent Reznor is still the awesomest man EVER and I will wear my black and white NIN t-shirt that I bought in 1994 until it falls off me and dies. The end.