sons of bankers, sons of lawyers

Mar 06, 2007 09:40

+Everyone should go sign up for the rpfremix right here, right now. Because I want to remix your stories, and you KNOW you want to remix mine.

+Things to during hiatus until May sweeps: 1) Watch American Idol 2) Watch Dancing with the Stars 3) Finish Big Bang fic, popslash remix, JuC Day fic, and femslash fic. Christ, that's a lot of fic. Clearly, I'm an idiot.

+Who here watches Battlestar Galactica? Because seriously, I need some reassurances here. That thing that happened? That didn't REALLY happen, right? Because. NO. That might be a deal breaker for me.

+Last week I did a rec list for spn_themes that was all fanmixes. Some of you make really fantastic fanmixes! It inspired me to make one of my own that I will be posting later today, but I am wondering. When you're writing, do you listen to music? Do you associate certain songs with certain characters, and if so, what are they? For example, I can't hear 'Rocket Man' by Elton John without immediately thinking of Lance. I can't hear 'Satelite of Love' (or anything from Velvet Goldmine, really) without thinking of JC; I can't hear 'Wherever I May Roam' without thinking of Dean, or the James Blunt version of 'Fall At Your Feet' without thinking of Marissa "I eat babies" Cooper. So what are your song/character match ups?


We got to the arena about an hour before the doors opened and stood in line. The line was pretty long when we got there, filled with hoochies in tiny tiny tank tops and very uncomfortable-looking shoes. Which really, makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. A lesson to all you concert-goers out there: Justin is not going to see you! He is not going to notice you falling out of your top in the crowd of 50,000 people and demand that you be brought up on stage so he can marry you/make out with you/force you to birth his babies. If you've ever been on a stage before, you know that the last thing you see is the audience. We were always taught to stare at the exit signs, and when I would perform at professional basketball games and things, I couldn't tell you anything about anyone in the audience, despite the fact that there were lots of catcalls, etc. When you're performing, it's like you can't even see. My point is, though, hoochies? Justin isn't going to see you. So wear something comfortable so you don't fall on your ass leaving the arena because your shoes were so painful that your legs won't hold you up anymore.

Anyway. So the line. We stood in line for a while. We randomly saw Drafthouse Henri, which was funny, and amused the girls behind us by talking about what a scream slut Justin is and how he needs to write more songs about aliens, get that genre going. And also by commented on afore-mentioned hoochies.

At this point I should mention that I was wearing some scary ass boots that I bought at Goodwill. I wanted some tall, platform boots so that I could be taller. And I found some. They're 4" platforms, they make me taller. They're also made of brown suede and have FRINGE. Scary. I looked like a total freak. Poor Amber, having to be seen with me.

We went in and staked out our spot. We were about halfway between the left-hand side catwalk and the center of the stage maybe 2 people back. It was a good spot, and VIP wasn't nearly full, so we had a pretty clear view. Pink came on right at 7:30pm, and she was great. I didn't like Pink going in, but now I really do. She's funny and sassy and she really doesn't give a shit what people think, which I enjoy in a woman. I was pretty impressed that she sang 'Dear Mr President' in the heart of Bush country. There were a few boos from people actually listening to the words, but Amber and I cheered a lot to try to cover them up. It's a great song, and it took balls for her to sing it in Texas. Go Pink! She also did this crazy awesome thing with these scarves hanging from the ceiling. Like circus people who dance in the air on ropes? It was way cool. And very gay. But cool.

Then there was a wait while they took down the normal jumbos and guys messed around in the rafters. No one fell on us, so that was good. Then Justin came on, yay.

I love this song. It's one of my favorites from the album. For the life of me, I couldn't tell you what he DID during this song, except that he probably looked hot doing it. He had a big zit on his forehead, which made it difficult to look at the screens with his head all blown up on them, but yeah, still hot.

Like I Love You
AWESOME. He danced!! I was afraid he'd strap on his guitar and not do the dance, but he danced! This is probably the most genius choreography I've seen since maybe Rhythm Nation, so I was very happy to see it. Justin isn't quite as fluid as he used to be, but he was still pretty fantastic and still 39875 times better than any of his dancers. Which is pretty weird, usually the dancers are a lot better than the artist. I kept thinking, "I'm so much better than that chick, I could totally be a Justin dancer!" I was pleased to see that the male dancers were pretty nice looking and the female dancers looked like dancers (ie flat-chested, tummies) instead of sticks. Justin did strap on his guitar for the end of this song, but didn't bust out into 'Smells Like Teen Spirit,' which was slightly disappointing. That was one of my highlights from the club tour. Ah well. Still, dancing! Awesome!

My Love
More dancing!

Kind of boring? I don't really remember.

Sexy Ladies
I hate this song. But Justin ALMOST got me to like it when he strapped on his keytar. Then he pretended his keytar was his dick. But he pretty much did that with any inanimate object remotely resembling a phallus, so it wasn't that novel.

Until the End of Time
Eh, this is was just okay for me, dawg. It's a nice song, it's nice to sing along to, but Justin relied a lot on his background singers. I think he played the keyboard for this one.

What Goes Around
AWESOME. This is just a really good song, period. The version he performed was about 10 minutes long, but I was into it the whole time so that says something write there. Plus, "my heart bleeded, girl" is still my favorite line ever. The whole weird face camera thing is still really creepy to me, but very Justin, and his face didn't look nearly as scary on the washed-out screens they use for his stage as it did during the Grammys, so that's a bonus.

Chop Me Up
Amber kept pointing to various background singers saying, "Is that Timbaland?" and I was all, "No, you'll KNOW when it's Timbaland." He sucked it up on his verse for this song, by the way. The man just can't sing. Not to go on a Timbaland rant, but he has zero charisma and he CAN'T SING, so the whole idea of him putting out an album is ridiculous to me. It's basically a compilation CD of tracks he's produced. He should stick to what he's good at, which is producing, because he's really not a performer. Justin beat-boxed through Three Six Mafia's verse, which made me sad because I like the "have a little smack fest" line.

Timbaland Intermission Set
This was okay. He didn't play anything especially awesome or surprising though. At least it kept me entertained while we waited for more Justin.

Rock Your Body
FAB! I love this song so much, even if it IS a rip-off of 'Rock With You'. More dancing that I love. Justin seriously isn't as smooth as he used to be, but still fantastic.

Medley of Gone/Take It from Here/Last Night
'Gone' almost made me cry. STFU, it was sad. And the background singers? SUCK in comparison to NSync. I'm just saying. Why can't there be a reunion? I need for there to be a reunion. *tear* The other two songs: blech. I hate those songs.

Damn Girl
This is where we got dancers writhing around in corsets/negligees, and Justin kissing one of them, which literally got BOOS from the audience. This song had most of my OH JUJU moments, because it was like Justin saying, "Look ma! I'm like, totally a man now!" I think he even grabbed himself a couple times. But here's the thing. When Justin grabs himself, it's not sexy. It's like him saying, "No, really. I totally have a dick and Ima PROVE IT." Whereas when JC grabs himself, it's like he's doing it because he just can't NOT touch himself. It's sexy. Anyway. Yeah, I have issues finding actual!Justin sexy. He tries too hard, maybe.

Summer Love
More proving his manhood to us. This is the song during which he a) had a dancer suck on his fingers. No REALLY. b) had a dancer bent over in front of his crotch and just stood there for a full 20 seconds, probably, looking around like, "Hee hee, this is just like sex!" c) told all of Houston that he's uncut. Which I really could've gone my whole life without knowing. d) came over to our side, stood right up in VIPS' faces, took his mic, and mimicked jerking off/coming on them with it. YEAH. *insert eye roll* Oh, JuJu. That said, I love this song. It's one of my favorites.

Losing My Way
Ahahaha I love this song. Most of the audience didn't know it, which amused me, but I sang the first few lines really loud because they're especially hilarious. I don't remember what Justin was doing during this song, so it probably wasn't anything special. Looking earnest and sad for crack addicts everywhere, most likely.

Cry Me A River
Definitely a highlight. God, I love this song. I could've done without the dancers giving us the finger, though. Like, I get that it's an angry song. But why are the *dancers* pissed off? Unless they dated Britney, too. I preferred the club version because he really rocked out to it, but the club show was pretty special in a lot of ways, so. The dancing was okay. At one point, maybe not during this song, I can't remember, Justin did this freestyle dancing thing, and it wasn't working for me. He should stick with choreography.

I love the choreography for this song. I hope the video is a lot of dancing.

Always fun, but I'm getting pretty sick of this one. I can't imagine how Justin must feel about it. Then again, he had to sing 'I Want You Back' for like, 7 years, so it's probably not that bad.

Another Song
Probably my favorite part of the show. He spent a while rambling about how he can't believe he does this for a living and how lucky he is, blah blah. People screamed a lot. And then he sang. This song is SO much better live. I love the song, but when I hear it on the album I always wish someone else were singing it. But live, Justin killed it. Plus, the album can't capture that face he makes. His, "I'm feeling this really DEEP, yo!" face. You know the one I mean.

Overall, a fantastic show. Justin really owns the stage and he's just a performing machine. I missed the sense of connection that he had with the audience at the club show, but that's to be expected. If you have the chance, I definitely say, get tickets and go see him. It's worth it.

music, justified

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