RPS: And Other Hip Hop Slang, Yo

Jul 06, 2006 21:56

Written for slashfest. I also should say if this post is fucked up it's because I am druuuunk. I went to the boyband singalong, where not only did I see much Jordan, Justin, JC, and every Backstreet Boy ever (including some very sweater-wearing 98 Degrees boybanders), but I also saw Quentin Terrentino. No, I have no idea why he was at the sing along, but clearly if Quentin likes boybands, EVERYONE should. Dan, I am talking to you.

And Other Hip Hop Slang, Yo

Fandom: CWRPS
Rating: Adultish
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Disclaimer: They totes own each other. Mmmmm yes.
Written for why_me_why_not for slashfest on the request: Jensen teaches Jared how to make the perfect margarita.

( Jared likes being drunk with Jensen. Or really. Jared likes Jensen better when he's drunk. Either he, because he likes Jensen better when he's drunk, or when Jensen's drunk, but both is better, unless Jensen is super wasted and doing something really retarded like calling Justin Timberlake a cocksucker to his face and getting kicked out of shows. )

rps, project mayhem, fic, going to hell

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