You have enough friends-- a new one is bad. You start spreading your affection around, it runs thin-- believe me.
Oh Max. Your wisdom is boundless.
*waves* Hi guys! Um so recently I seem to have a ton of new people on my friends list, mainly because of Supernatural and the ridiculous prettiness of Jensen Ackles (I think I speak for everyone when I call him an inspiration [to committ sin]). Anyway, I have totally lost the link to that thingy that tells you who has recently friended you, so I actually have no idea which of you are old/new/whatever. So I thought hey, maybe it's time to introduce myself and tell y'all a little about my journal and how it generally works, and me, and then maybe you'll tell me about yourselves.
I realize I run the risk of scaring people off with my... let's call it 'oddness' and be nice, but that's a chance I'm willing to take. And damnit, 'Freebird' really is like, the longest song EVER.
This is me. What's that you ask? Why am I drinking Boone's Farm? Well first off, fuck you, it's delicious. Second off, when am I NOT drinking Boone's Farm?
Apparently, when I'm drinking champagne. Or possibly
when I am wearing a top hat and holding a feather duster, and of course
passed out on the kitchen floor with a bottle of Skyy. But then there's always the part where
I am taking shots or
drinking fruity drinks. So look, I know this makes me seem like an alcoholic.
+ No, that's it. I don't actually have a defense.
+On a related note, I work for Austin Habitat for Humanity. I do stuff with volunteers, as in scheduling them and shit. You'd think that'd be a pretty awesome job, getting to build houses and help poor people and stuff, especially considering it's me and I have this small obsession with like, saving the world from Christian conservatives who think they know best, but it's really not. I mean the job is fine, but my boss is insane. She has this stamp obsession, it's a whole thing.
+I am originally from Toledo, Ohio, which SPN fans will remember as the Bloody Mary city, which really didn't help my nerves after watching that scary ass bitch of an episode. Toledo is about an hour from Windsor, Ontario. Needless to say I left as soon as I could. I went to University in Chicago, after which I did a year of AmeriCorps and travelled around the southeastern United States. Let me tell you, Mississippi is every horrible thing you've heard about it and more. Now I live in Austin, Texas, where I will hopefully be staying another year, even though it's too fucking hot here. It's like 90 degrees! In April! INSANITY!
+On Tuesdays I do a little thing I like to call Newsday, during which I post all the news headlines from the week that I think are interesting and then go on little minirants about those stories. Usually they involve things like, "I don't understand why Bush thinks it's okay for him to just break the law like that, oh but wait--we're talking about a former crack smoker, I always forget that fun little detail. So maybe it's all the drugs and booze and republicans sucking his dick. Too bad we can't impeach him for blowjobs in the oval office, because I'm pretty sure Dick Cheney (ironically) does not put out." Feel free to comment with your own thoughts on Newsday. Discussion in encouraged.
+On Fridays I do a little thing I like to call Friday is Shiny! in which I go through all the tv/pop culture I have consumed in the past week and give my commentary on it. I try to be witty and amusing, and I think I succeed. Mainly because it's really hard for me NOT to be witty. It's like a curse, really, my brilliance--one through which we must all suffer stoically.
+Sometimes I write fic. A lot of times it is totally cracked out. The crack really started with a little RPS piece last summer before Half-Blood Prince came out, because
switchknife asked for it and I pretty much do anything
switchknife wants. So somehow I ended up
writing a fic about JK Rowling getting a late night visit from Snape and deciding to kill off Dumbledore instead, and of course I was right, because--genius. I write a lot of RPS. I am not ashamed of this. If you're one of those "RPS is RAPE" then please, go away. I could argue with you but that's stupid and boring, and I'm pretty sure we already established that I am awesome and exciting. Obviously I write fic-fic too. It's just not as fun.
+I also write original fiction over at
mellybrosia. Right now I'm working on a novel about a werewolf detective. As in a detective who is also a werewolf. Concensus is that weresheep will also be involved in some way. I also sometimes right short stories over there. Mainly it's self-indulgent angsty crap, but sometimes there is good stuff in there. It's sort of a crap shoot, to tell you the truth. And everything is locked, because I'm paranoid like that.
+I also enjoy eating free food, dancing, going to shows (when I can afford them), and getting other people obsessed with my obsessions. Peter Sarsgaard makes everyone gay. I'm just saying.
So that's me, sort of. Feel free to comment, tell me about yourself, wave, say hi, or skip this entirely as way too lame.
Fic later. *facepalm* And for all you celebrity obsessed out there:
Jason Lee - The All Girl Summer Fun Band.