Habitating for Humanity

Jul 19, 2005 18:03

I started my new job today. I am totally and utterly exhausted. I feel like I've been crammed full of so much information (half of which I can't even remember now) that it's about to start dribbling out my ears at any moment.

What I did:
+Answered the phone and pretended to know what I was talking about
+Learned the database system and messed around with it
+Went through the orientation packet and got a vague idea of how to give an orientation, which I will have to do when my supervisor is on vacation next week, ugh
+Went to some meetings at which I understood only every fourth word
+Got bought lunch!
+Sneakily checked my email and flist, although I couldn't actually read anything because it was all porn. Jesus Christ, y'all write a lot of porn. Which is not a complaint. More of a compliment. Keep up the good work. Except for danxsunday, who has so far failed to write the porn he promised me for my birthday. *grumbles*
+Discussed HBP with lecksee between phone calls
+Met a gillion people (some of them hot guys) whose names I promptly forgot
+Came home on 35, which was a bad bad idea. Stop and go traffic, but luckily All Things Considered was on. Who else plans to stay home and watch the President's address re: Supreme Court tonight?
+Realized I was a giant dork for the above and died of embarassment

Now I'm ripping music for petulantgod who has sadly lost most of his collection. I'll post links to the zip files later in case any of you want NIN or Ani or Cat Stevens.


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