Darker Passions: Pandora Hearts Fan Fiction

Feb 23, 2012 17:25

Title: Darker Passions
Rating: Some Adult Themes
Pairing/Characters: Ada Vessalius and Vincent Nightray
Word Count:475
Genre: Romance
Summary: Ada awaits Vincent hidden, outside one of the parties they've both attended. She reflects upon her decisions.

Ada watched her breath appear in small white puffs,. It was so cold tonight, as she waited for her lover. Her lover? Could she even refer to him that way? A better question: Should she refer to him that way? She shivered slightly, realizing now how deeply involved she was with him. She had never meant for any of this to happen. She’d meant to be friendly with him of course, he was Gilbert’s brother. How could she ignore him when she’d met him? However, this had gone so far beyond being simply ‘friendly.’

Evening was falling, the sky darkening…he’d be here soon. She was partially hidden behind one of the columns holding the large porch of this estate up. Ada didn’t really care for parties so much anymore. However, they did give her an excuse to sneak away with him.

She felt his fingers slip into hers,

“Good evening Miss Ada, I hope I haven’t kept you waiting.” The words flowed, like silk, wrapping Ada in a false sense of security. The blond man smiled, his heterocromatic gaze falling over her, appreciatively. She could tell by the way he was looking at her, she wouldn’t be cold for long.

She bowed her head slightly, “Not at all Vincent-sama.” She gave his hand a slight squeeze. Her dress ruffled as the wind blew, she shivered again. She noticed how nicely dressed he was. Vincent was always beautiful, no matter what he wore…but tonight especially. His usual Pandora uniform was replaced by a shiny black suit, that fit him well. His lovely blond hair was tied up in an emerald ribbon. She longed to untie it and let his hair fall gently over his shoulders, so she could run her fingers through it.

When she realized she was staring she blushed a deep color of red, looking down at her rustling emerald skirts. “You look handsome tonight Vincent…” She murmured gently.

Instead of replying, his fingers gently lifter her chin, as they stepped further behind the column. “Miss Ada…” He purred quietly, before lowering his lips to hers, brushing against them lightly. She felt her stomach flutter gently, as his arms encircled her waist. She lifted a hand gently to his jaw, tracing it lightly as they kissed. Everytime he kissed her, she felt a darker passion take over her, it grew stronger with each kiss. Sometimes she wondered if Vincent knew that, knew what these secret kisses and meetings were doing to her?

He pulled back, leaning against her forehead, a small smile tugging at his lips as he closed his eyes again. “Miss Ada…perhaps we should take this somewhere more…private.” His words were clipped, and yet still flowed like earlier. It lulled her further into that darkness she fought so hard.

She slipped her hand into his, “Of course, Vincent-sama.” The darkness winning again.

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