Кит Фанью (Фагну?) - канадский химик, умер в 2009 году от H1N1-гриппа. Его студенты написали шуточную статью с "фактами" об их руководителе:
Keith Fagnou enforces the Woodward-Hoffman rules.
Keith Fagnou can titrate without indicator.
Keith Fagnou doesn’t run reactions; molecules just assemble themselves out of fear.
Keith Fagnou can do stereoselective additions to “full-blown” carbocations.
Chuck Norris wears Keith Fagnou pyjamas.
Keith Fagnou knows what a reaction smells like from looking at the scheme.
Keith Fagnou controls enantioselectivity with his left (S) and right (R) hands.
Keith Fagnou runs his columns neat.
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