
Cranky. Happy.

Sep 29, 2008 18:27

Things that made me cranky today:

-          My 100% dedicated developer being pulled on to other projects every time I turned around. NO. YOU CAN NOT HAVE HIM! MINE… Mine, mine, mine, mine.
(I don’t share well with others… At least, not when there are 12 development days remaining and 8 days til the project ends!)

-          Not being able to leave work in time to go collect my new jeans from the hemming place

-          Realising there are only 4 sleeps til Conflux and I still haven’t done my presentation

Things that made my happy today:

-          Free coffee day! Love it when I fill that loyalty card :) Somehow, it seems so much more valuable than $2.70!

-          Realising there are only 4 sleeps til Conflux and in a few short days I’ll be gossiping with my buddies

-          Chocolate scone. Nuff said.

-          The purry black cat.

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