
Digital: 90 secs from review to purchase

Nov 29, 2007 12:07

No doubt I’ve ranted here about digital books often enough that it won’t surprise you that I love ‘em. But here’s a story about why I love them.

This morning cruising my RSS feed I came across this review on Dear Author. It sounds interesting, the reviewer is certainly passionate, always a good starting point, and it looks like the sort of thing I like.

I googled the author, Lara Adrian. Liked her website (except the music and the bad visual effect in the trailer but that’s a whole OTHER rant) and her descriptions enough to decide to purchase. So I did what I always do in these situations, I jumped on to Fictionwise to see if it’s there so that I can purchase immediately before I forget or get dragged in to something else.

See - that right there is why I love digital - I get a recommendation that sparks my interest, and (in theory) a smidgen of research (60 secs), a purchase (30 secs - I have a micropay account for these very occassions) and a 370Kb file later I have the book ready to read.

It’s also a story about a lost sale because the only digital format available isn’t appropriate for me personally, but that is also another rant… In the unlikely event I remember to look for this author when next in Galaxy I'll buy it and will report back.

ebooks, books

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