Curse my human legs :'( anyone wanna chip in to the "buy stephen some robotic legs" fund? My legs hurt so fucking bad from oni-con and those gh3y ddr pads they had. Well time for an update about Oni-con i guess.
Well anyways....friday i woke up and got all my shit that i could think of and threw it in my backpack. I went to my grammas, sat around for a bit, then went to the mall. I played a little bit of ddr and sean showed up too. I played some nonstop course with Rhythm and Police, Cartoon Heroes, DDR Heavy and Drop the bomb. i got like 140 greats on it, but a lot of random misses and goods. Angela called right when rhythm and police started, so i had to play and talk to her at the same time. I got of the phone with her and passed it to sean. That was pretty hilarious. She got to the mall later on and we hung out before she had to go home and get ready for work. John and jesus showed up and we all hung out a bit. After Angela left, we hopped in the car, and i worked on finding our way there. Thank god for my l33t navigation skillz or else we would have got crazy lost. We finally got there, and it was much different than i expected. There were a lot more people than i thought, and i dunno, i just pictured it differently. Well we got our name badges and stuff, then we started to look around and see what was what. The dealers room was already closed, so we said fuck that and looked around some more. I started my photography spree, asking a shitload of random people to pose for the camera and shit. It was pretty bad ass. Later on, around 9, Camino started playing, and we snuck in cuz we didnt wanna wait in line. We fought our way up as far as we could, and i tried to get on top of chairs and climb the walls to get some pictures of those niggas. We jammed out to them for a bit, then we left and kept looking. We found a game room upstairs that had soft ddr mats and i played on them a bit, but the smell of fat anime nerds playing ddr b.o. was too much, so we left and looked around. Eventually we found the REAL game room. They had a DDR Max 2 Machine, a DDR Extreme machine, a IIDX 7th style machine, a Killer instinct, SVC chaos, Soul Calibur 2, and 2 others. They also had a TV set up with a naruto game. We hung out there, and then we did a bunch of random shit until we decided to just head out. We drove off and i directed us over to Johns house. We got there and played a bunch of pimped out games like Super Street Fighter 2, Gradius 3, Parappa the Rapper, Aladdin, and i think thats it. After a bit, we got online and read some funny ass journals ;) and then went to bed.
We woke up and left to HK4. We got some pimp fucking tapioca drinks and jesus got a sub, and then we got the FUCK out of there. Goddamn rain fucking up me and jesus's pimp shoes. =\ We then headed to burger king where john got the double croissan'wich meal and i just got the double croissan'wich. John took 2 bites of his sandwich and a sip or 2 of his coffee and said he was done. Crazy motha fucka. Well, then i had to use my pimp navigation skillz again to get us to pasadena to pick up jesus's friend, who seemed oddly pissed off that we were 2 hours late. We headed back to oni con and he put in some bad ass cd that we jammed to all the way there. Once we got there, we parked in the same spot we parked in the day before, and we went to start the day. The dealers room was open then, so we got to go in and look at all the cool shit. Through out the day we played a good deal of video games in the game room, where i saw and-- i mean charlie almost full combo demon road (max2) and i saw kevin (bad ass iidx guy) up there. I ended up buying a couple of things and even got myself drawn as a chibi character. Ill post a pic of that at the end of this post. We had a lot of fun. We watched some old school legend of zelda anime, watched a bit of the cosplay competition, watched jesus get 37 wins in a row against everyone on chaos, and i dunno, we just had a lot of fun. Eventually, everything started closing, so we had to get out of there. We drove jesus's friend back home and then went to my house for the night. We sat around here playing CVS2, DDR Extreme, Mortal Kombat Ultimate 3, Gradius and i think John played some megaman. We were all tired as shit, so we crashed.
I woke up around 900 and took a shower, then we all got ready to go. I grabbed some poptarts, and figured out a short way to get back. We got there around 1030 after leaving at about 1005, and then we went straight to the game room. Jesus was supposed to enter this KOF 2003 Tournament, but he got intimidated and decided not to. After a bit, we shopped around, ate some food, played some games, then we stood in line for the Dual Jewel concert. The line was huge, but with our luck, right as we came around the circle, the other door opened and we got in on the side like...3rd row. Talk about bad ass. They only got to play about 3 songs because they had to clear out the room for some shit, and it took too long for everyone to get in and stuff, but all in all, they were pretty good. Dumbass Sean called me right after one of the songs ended and it was quiet. Everyone looked over...even the singer. It was kinda embarrasing. After that, i heard all these people turning off their cellphones. HAHA. After the concert, we kinda just chilled, then left. I got home and talked to Angela for a bit, got in a little fight, then she went into work. I sat around here for a while before deciding to get some food. I got my mom to take me to Arbys and then on the way back, i got her to drop me off at supertracks to play on some GOOD DDR pads -_- Charles and Sean came after a while, and we did some stuff. I got a couple of better scores, including passing my first oni course, and AAA'ing another light song on sight reading (by accident) I chose On the Jazz just fucking around, and i didnt notice that i accidently put it on light. So i ended up AAA'ing it. We decided to get out of there, and we went to the hong kong food market to get charles some stuff, and we were just driving around talking till charles dropped me off back home about 945...and here i am now.
Now for random picture time!
Passed Be For U...
Booya Bizzay Biznatch.
Chibi me.
And that was my weekend. Now to go lay down -_-