Plenty of crap to update about...
well, there isnt.
I finally AA'ed Paranoia Survivor...took me long enough. Im down to the following:
Maxx Unlimited - A
The Legend of Max - A
Paranoia Survivor Max - B
Paranoia Survivor Max Oni - C (TECHNICALLY i havent actually passed it yet. o.o)
Wellllllllll my baby beat sakura on light...and her first standard song: true trance sunrise mix.
I also happened to get 5 greats on Last Message. Fuck that song. Right now im sharpening my l337 10 f0073r skills so i can get enough stamina in me legs to pass psmo and probably get a b on it since im so fucking good at the beginning......did i mention i only missed 2 steps before the freeze on it once? yeah thats right....its just those gay ass runs at the end, and if i had robotic legs, or some crack, i could probably pull it off. -_-
now for pictures! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Angelas Sakura score.
Angelas first standard score.
My crappy PSM score.
My pretty good A on Maxx Unlimited. I had one after that with too many greats, but less misses... fuck it.
My bad ass LoM run
5 Greats on Last Message OMGWTFLOL?!?!\1!>/
Damn right.....
Props to anyone (other than sean) that knows what thats to, and knows thats gonna be the reason i quit ddr
Max 300 with my beautiful face in it (as jon would say)
Oh yeah...i its time to start the:
Yeah...thats right bitches...working my way up. I never played that song before. Sight read like a biatch.