Apr 24, 2006 08:44
Meaningless Milestones day!
Milestones only matter as much as we make them matter. 100 is only important because we choose to make it so(and because we've set up our system of counting so that it seems important). So, why not take a moment to celebrate something else?
Copy and paste this into your journal. Then find something you did today that you've never done before. It doesn't have to be anything much; that's not the point. Maybe it's the 427th time you successfully managed to tie that "new" pair of shoes. Maybe it's the fifth time you finished that book up on the shelves. Maybe it's the day you did more than half your homework before dinner. Maybe it's something else entirely. Whatever comes to mind and seems worth celebrating.
Got it yet?
Post about it!
Today, I:
Created my first random holiday, Meaningless Milestones day! Hopefully, it'll bring a smile and a spot of happiness to at least a few friends. With any luck, it'll do more than that.
Yay for me!
It's time to celebrate! Besides posting here to tell the world, I'm going to:
Treat myself to an extra piece of candied ginger. Yum!
I've accomplished something. Good for me!
What did you do today?