Lost Pages from the Black Guide

May 28, 2013 08:53

I started a creative writing club at my school this year. Pleased to report the club was a success! We met throughout the year to critique/discuss stories and poems the students had written. In the fall, John Langan and Laird Barron visited the school and met with the club. Suitably inspired by the visit of large, hairy, horror writers, for our end of the year collaborative project, we wrote LOST PAGES FROM THE BLACK GUIDE. The Black Guide makes an appearance in a number of Barron stories, most notably his "Mysterium Tremendum." The students were to take one page from the guide and have at it, with the spirit of John's and Laird's stories in mind. Below are those pages from the students and one from me. Click on each for the full-size version of the page(s). Enjoy!

The Black Guide's Cover:

From Edgar Escobar, grade 10

From Jackson McKeigue, grade 8

From Chris Kelly, grade 11

From Dan Fulham, grade 11

From James Elcock, grade 8

From Thomas Hovsepian, grade 8

From Nikhil "aka Randy" Basavappa, grade 12

From John Bartlett, grade 11

From Paul Tremblay, grade 19

From Jack Glynn, grade 9

From Joey Cerra, grade 10

From George Price, grade 12

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