It'll be a busy weekend at
Boskone (this weekend!). Bunch of panels. And I eat brains, apparently.
Friday 7pm The Zombie Phenom -- Is It Staggering Yet?
Alan F. Beck
Suzy McKee Charnas
John Langan
Faye Ringel
Paul G. Tremblay
It seems like zombies are everywhere lately: books, movie, TV,
marches, meetups ... Does this phenomenon show any signs of
weakening or, you know, dying down? What would it take to kill this
zombie thing dead?
Friday 11pm Almost Midnight Zombies --- "The Walking Dead" Show
Ginjer Buchanan
John Langan (M)
Paul G. Tremblay
Saturday 2pm My Favorite Mysteries
Dana Cameron
John R. Douglas
Toni L. P. Kelner
Resa Nelson
Darrell Schweitzer
Paul G. Tremblay (M)
What kinds of crossover qualities make so many SF/F/H fans also like
a good mystery story?
Saturday 3pm The Divide Between Mysteries and Fantasy-Horror
Ellen Asher
Christopher Golden
Joe Hill
Toni L. P. Kelner (M)
Paul G. Tremblay
Saturday 4pm Kaffeeklatsch
Laird Barron
Sarah Langan
Paul G. Tremblay
Saturday 5pm Up with Monsters!
Laird Barron
Suzy McKee Charnas
Joe Hill
Paul G. Tremblay (M)
What we need are more stories with monsters other than vampires and
zombies. Let's talk tall tales featuring leviathans, mummies,
chupacabras, kapres, killer bees, ghosts, shoggoths, golems,
hellhounds, and other denizens that lurk further off the beaten
path. Plus it would help if some of them were also on the pretty or
sexy side.
Sunday 2pm A Good Death
Jeffrey A. Carver (M)
James D. Macdonald
Paul G. Tremblay
Death is "the last enemy", feared by all. Yet Tolkien's immortal
elves call it "the One's gift to Man". Whether a sad ending or a
glad ending, let's remember the most heartbreaking, surprising,
realistic, satisfying, or otherwise memorable death scenes in SF/F/H
books and movies.