Stuff, and Shaking

Jul 29, 2008 21:08

Things to post about:

The IMAX version of The Dark Knight was great to watch, especially a few city shots, which were like you were on the camera, or flying through it. Vertigo, anyone?:p However, it was too loud in that theater. My ears were hurting a bit for most of the time, which takes away from it. It's a loud film. You don't need to make it louder... Long, crazy line to get into this one also. Universal City is packed, though, plus it's IMAX, shows that I had to wait days to get into to reserve my tickets.

While there, I passed by a tech demo in EB Games for Ghostbusters. It wasn't available to play at that time of night, though. Damn it:p

Meeting with my teacher, who's also a famous Director/Producer tomorrow to discuss how I can best use this scene of my bounty hunter feature I wrote and directed last term. Tighten up the scene shot for shot and plan out a strategy. He thinks it's close to being ready to use and the story is good enough to get made. I might be making this film soon, which would be friggin' great. Ugh, then I have to worry about my loans going through for next term. So, meh, thinking positive.

Finished my second script, the one about feuding brother werewolves. Now, for both scripts, I am going to get on revising them to make sure they are both polished as can be.

Oh, we had an earthquake today:p My first. A 5.8 on the rector scale. While having class on the first floor of Art Center, I felt slight movement and saw up top the digital projector on the ceiling swing. I thought for a moment someone upstairs dropped something ridiculously heavy, then a moment later, the floor moved. It was brief, but the entire building felt to have shifted under me and around me, with the lights swinging. It wasn't bad, just obviously noticeable. So, they temporarily evacuated Art Center. I went home, since the next class may, or may not have been anyway, and was only probably a lecture of some sort. I fell asleep, because working shoots this weekend and then the late Dark Knight viewing before getting up with like 3 hours of sleep all of two days, I was tired... I have no clue about aftershocks, but there was said to be a lot.

Hopefully, the worst is over, but we'll see.

Oh, me and another friend/student had a class canceled the other day, so we went to the library and picked out a movie to watch to pass the time until the next class. Tokyo Fist. An absolutely insane film. I mean nuts, utterly nuts. It's like Lost Highway's director, David Lynch, teamed up with some manga writers and made a boxing film. Lets just say, I was a bit disturbed, and I don't easily get disturbed by films:p
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