
Jul 19, 2008 15:18

Making this brief. I am doing better. Went in for something else and while there, the dentist assistant said I had dry socket going on... Which is when the clot doesn't form and the socket remains open... He told me to gargle with salt water. I have, and immediately the bleeding stopped, which is good. Still looks rather deep, the holes back there, but day by day it's feeling better...

I might go Monday to check and see if this dry socket stuff is going away, or what.

Got fed up with only being able to eat yogurt and drink protean drinks, stuff like that. I wanted something real, just to see if I could. I probably went ten steps beyond in getting pizza, but I did study online to see what would be acceptable. Eating it left food in the holes, no matter how careful I was, but it all came out when I rinsed with salt water (incidentally, bleh). I couldn't eat anymore, though. Too much effort to do so. But, at least that was something real to eat. Back to the usual for a bit.

Tomorrow, we shoot the PSA, bright and early. Call time is 5:30 AM. Wee!:p

Note: That Mitchell and Webb Look, a show from the BBC, is pretty funny stuff. Not every sketch, but most, and I am a real fan of The Adventures of Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar sketch. It's about these two delusional bums, Digby and Ginger. Digby thinks he's Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar and is fighting against his elusive "Nemesis" and his agents, who's trying to stop Digby from saving the world... lol, and he and Ginger are so drugged out and deranged, they basically are really going about stealing people's money, liquor, and food, while this concoction of their minds goes on. So, every person in their way becomes an agent of Digby's Nemesis, and the writing is pretty fantastic.

Some YouTube links:

Best part is the music and the chest cam on loopy Digby, lol. Genius.
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