Hey, I just adopted this community and I'm hoping to get it started up again. I've even changed the userinfo and the layout:
pgsm_lims I'm restarting Round Two.
Here's what I plan to do this round:
Every week on Monday night, I will post a character name (eg; Sailor Mars, Zoicite, Queen Beryl) and I will also post up a colour. Your task is to use the character stated in your icon, and to use the colour as your main colour. Makes sense?
Makers will then submit one icon to be featured in the voting. Submissions will close on Friday night or early Saturday.
Please be sure to read the rules on the info page before you sign up.
Simply comment with your username to sign up.
Good luck. PS; please promote this community.
Participants for Round Two
dark_branwenneshelraya_lightravenroguepinksenshiteh_maskmaidbrookeh777mizugazipankatirothfire_senshihikaru_daydreamcircuitouslyglowing_sunsetgoddess_of_ice byes post