An update...looooong overdue!

Jul 16, 2005 10:44

Okay. Yeah. So I've been back from Nebraska for a little over a week now. It was fucking awesome, and the week went by waaaaaaaaay too fast! While I was there with Amanda, I got my tongue done, my hair cut (way too short! shoulder length!) and dyed (darker, but not dark enough...savin' up my $$), and...I got a tattoo! It's a small symbol, a little less than one square inch on the "bottom side" of my left wrist. It's soooooo fucking HOTT!! I love it! It is a Japanese principle; the 1st half means to strive for psychological immortality/strength; the 2nd half means to strive to live life on your own terms. When combined, the symbol is very strong. It's fucking AWESOME.

And I lost my license. I didn't lose it--lose it, just accidentally left it somewhere (go smart me!!). I started freaking out, chain smoking, Amanda was like uhhhh...and then she called her aunt, after I had all but ripped all of her car's seats out (did I mention that this was ON THE WAY to the airport-- the day I was LEAVING?), and we were just gonna see if I could explain my way on to the airplane. I wasn't feeling too confident about that. And then, just before we got there, her aunt (who's a travel agent) called and said that since under Nebraska law 19 is considered an adult, I'd be able to squeeze through with the only photo ID I had-- a 2003-2004 high school ID. Damn, it was fucking close, but I made it.

And I'm still fighting with someone...grrrrr...but now I'm not nervous and can stand up for myself. That's def good.

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