Mar 10, 2005 08:56
Gotta work today. 10am-9pm. Woo woo! Fucking not. But hell, I do it every Thursday now, so it's all good. It's better than having my double days on Saturday and Sunday. Now it's Thursdays and Sundays. And I work w/ Joy, and she's pretty cool. And tonight I think it's Kevin. Which is pretty cool because even though he is new we get along pretty well. Last time I worked w/ him he was trying to get me to smoke w/ him after work. Hahaha, yeah, I barely know you. It's not the safety issue, it's my anxiety issue. He's a new old person at Pat's (rehired) so I trust him, but since I don't really know him my fucking anxiety would be through the godamned roof.
That's something I've been trying to work on lately. My anxiety and stress levels. I've been trying to chill out and realize that I get tense cause I am worried about what people think of me, but when I do that, I fuck up even more. So just relax. And, I am asking myself what the realistic negative consequences are if things happen the way I think they are. And so far, I can deal with the consequences.
Well, that's all, I'm just working on my anxiety, focus, and work and homework. Nothin' new. Later.