Title: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Author: pgrabia
Disclaimer: House M.D., its character’s, locations, and storyline are the property of David Shore, Bad Hat Harry Productions and Fox Television. All Rights Reserved.
Characters/Pairing: J. Wilson, G. House, L. Cuddy; R. Brown, R. Chase and the rest of House’s team, briefly; House/Wilson est. relationship.
A/N: This story is written as an entry for the Camp Sick!Wilson 2011 Sekrit Woid challenge: Prompt--Anemia. Also, an entry for the Hug Wilson Challenge as well.
Genre: sick!Wilson, drama, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, AU.
Spoiler Alert: No real spoilers at all. Could take place at any time after season five.
Word Count: ~10200 total
Rating: PG-13 for coarse language, suggestive subject matter and serious topic.
A/N 2: This is a longish fic and I haven’t had time to have it beta-ed before posting it so it’s rife with errors but I really wanted to get it in on time before Camp Sick!Wilson ended. So please forgive how rough it is. I still plan on editing it a bit and having it beta-ed then repost a better quality version in the near future. I ran out of time, sorry.
Previously posted at Sick_Wilson on LJ.
Part One Part Two Part Three