Mar 05, 2009 23:33
Okay, very busy week. Mom had seizures, I took care of things until help arrived, she's on anti seizure meds now and off a few of her other meds. Things are looking up.
I had a midterm yesterday and the California Basic Educational Something Test today. I think I passed the CBEST. I've got 121 points from the reading and math sections alone and one needs 123 points total to pass. I still need to earn at least 37 points for the writing section.
Tomorrow I start an addictive disorder studies class, in a few weeks I start red cross training, and at some point I'll be able to take part in Nami Family to Family training.
I still need a job, hope to get one soon.
Since mom isn't driving I'm going to be added to the family auto policy and she's getting dropped. In return I'll have to drive her around a lot.
There's a lot left to write but I should be heading to bed now.