May 19, 2011 00:51
Aw man, just when I posted about the moratorium on flipping tables, then I go and completely lose my cool over L'arc. Good job, L'arc. Well played, you jerks. *halfhearted sarcastic clap*
But srsly, like that wasn't going to happen. 6_6 Truth be told, I'm flipping out over something every couple of days, even if it's mostly just in my mind.
Like, right now, I'm going crazy over how I can't find some of my graphic novels. I'm really getting the reshelving done, and have set aside a couple of shelves for my non-manga stuff, but there's some I just can't find. And I have NO idea. For instance, how the hell does one lose one of those big all-in-one copies of Bone? That thing's a bible! It's a stack of phonebooks! Yet NO IDEA. I've already given up a big and got some of the newer color editions when the Borders went bellyup. :/ Still, missing a couple and kinda pissed because this is the THIRD time I've bought this stuff! Man, it's a good thing I like Jeff Smith and wish him all the best.
And I could SWEAR that the tpb of X-Men: Days of Future Present was MINE. I know we had it, but I could swear that it's MY copy, not Renee's. I know Renee is the one who had Days of Future Past (though I thought I had that one too...?). Regardless, it's not something to seriously contend because why would she have it, much less with her and not here? I even went mad and dug through a good half dozen of her boxes, but no dice. (Though I did find her Dark Phoenix Saga, From The Ashes, and her copy of DoFPast. Aw man, I gotta get my own copies of the two former, I like reading them. Classic before people started overusing the word classic. On the other end of the spectrum, she had X-cutioner's Song?! Man, that was awful!)
And I can't find my Sandman: World's End either. What the..?! I found two others, which I didn't even remember having, but not that one, which is actually my favorite of the series and the only one I like rereading all that much. Where could it be....??????
And in other news, not only am I getting the shelves worked out, but I'm doing spring cleaning on the posters on my walls too :x We moved in during my second year of college, so my room was bare white for a while, but after seeing Renee put up her posters, I got in a mood to erase all the starkness and managed to put as much as I could up on my walls. This means though that these are all very old posters, spanning a childhood and adolescence. From back when you just collected whatever you could, because it was hard to find anything, so there was stuff I'd never even seen but somehow still had goods. I gave a couple of stacks to the library for their teen nights and anime club and whatever, after feeling out if that was cool or if I'm just hassling them by using them as a pop culture trash bin. A lot of it I'm keeping though, and tried to artfully move some of it to allow for new flow. I finally started to get some of my Macoto Takahashi prints properly framed, and I actually got two of them up already. I have two more pending, and I'm thinking of what I'd like framed and hung next. Maybe one of those period photos I took with Sadie...? Or another kind of art print? Maybe actual photo prints, like some that Kevin printed out or some of my photos? I dunno, I can't do too much anyway because of just shelling out for the framing that's already been done :x Really, my room is about the only space I have to consider too - the house is kinda full up. We've used all our spare wall space for bookshelves. We do have a couple of spaces with hung art, but we like it and don't really want to move it. MAN. I really wish we didn't have particular windows that serve no purpose, but there ya go :/ Mom put a premium on windows. Though honestly, it's on the lottery list we mentally keep. After other higher priorities, a few windows would be great to get rid of and just have wallspace. So. C'moooooon, lottery~ :O