Like all men, I was born to die.

Oct 04, 2005 15:38

My psyciatrist wants me to write something every night about my feelings and beliefs. I wrote something last night that took me completely by surprise. I guess this was something locked deep away in my mind.

"It has been a great many years since Ive felt this apathetically numb about my seemingly meaningless existance on this passionatly naive earth. Am I, out of all the people in this world the only one who realizes that all our efforts will be for nothing in the end? Am I the only one who can see the pillars of mankinds creation crumbling away to ash and dust, mingling ironicly with the very sweat and blood it took to build these pillars? When I die, will I be remembered for how hard I tried without success? No. Even if I were to succeed, how long would I be remembered? How long will the efforts and accomplishments of my life remain before they too turn to dust? But, there is no reason to worry about such matters, as, life Ive stated, nothing matters in the end. I could die tommarow and nothing in this world would change. Everything Ive done will fade away along with my memory. All that would be left behing would be the rotting heap of flesh that was my body and the sorrow of loss that those who loved me would feel."

But anyway, on a much lighter note, my first day at work wasnt bad at all. Its all fairly easy. And, I have an interview for a night shift job at kroger. Lets hope I get that one as well. I would love to work two jobs. Mo money. :P

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