Nov 29, 2006 23:31
real snow! i looked outside about two hours ago and realized that it was snowing. snowing big time. big huge fat snowflakes.
so i got bundled up really quick and walked around outside for over a half hour. i don't know if seattle has ever been so beautiful.
and i finally got that warm feeling back. the one where the snow has been beating against your face for so long that you develop a resistance to how cold it is.
i met up with tarrah at the belmont & republican hill. she and patrick were attempting to slide down the hill on a yoga mat, but it failed miserably. a whole bunch of people were having a snowball fight/baseball game at the bottom of my block. i think i figured out why it is i'm in love with capitol hill; its full of a bunch of young people, homos, hippies, scenesters, etc, but it isn't a college neighborhood. so all of that annoying shit that comes along with college towns is virtually non-existent.
just a bunch of kids playing in the snow outside of their apartments.
i'm home now, melting off the ice.
my pajamas are on inside out and i'm hopeful for another snow day.
i feel so homesick right now. i forgot how much i love the snow. it's been too long since i've seen any. over a year for sure.
i can't wait to go home and go bowling and go to ram's horn and go outside and get snow caked in my cuffs and get the pickup truck stuck in a slushy ditch.