I know that there are all sort of fanfic finders for various fandoms. But is there one that is 'general' - allowing for the quest of a publish work?
Years ago - I read a series of science fiction/fantasy books - can't recall the title(s) or the author but what I do recall is the main character is a young woman - who at the start of the series is a child. Her parents are 'killed' by the government and she and her brother are placed in a government run facillity. At one point when she and her brother are separated - he 'gives' her a pretend doll - named 'Selene' (? I think) - because they are not allowed to have any toys. Years later she is a worker drone basically and by quirk of fate wins a state/government run lottery for her freedom. Once no longer under the thumb of the government she escapes to space, grows her hair out, discovers the truth behind the government bureaucracy, etc.
I'll be damned if I can recall the title(s) or author - or have a clue where to look. I did a bit of googling but nothing came up.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
F.M. Busby's Rissa Kerguelen series! *G*