Talking with one of my oldest friends today, we were reminiscing about comic books, and how very very good some of them are, or at least were, back when we still collected. The conversation was brought up by
this . Not so much because of the character, (who I always thought was kinda cheesy, even if they did write some good plots for him) but
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Cap dying was nothing to do with Civil War. The current writer for Captain America is doing really interesting and good things. Nevertheless, I will not be buying them, because of the Civil War thing. Because, frankly, it's such a spray of toxic diarrhea that I will no longer give money to anything with Joe Quesada or Mark Millar's name on it.
(Civil War had already been done a number of times on a micro level, and the main difference was that the traditionally 'libertarian' ideals of comics prevailed. In this one, though, the winners were the characters who were re-cast as cynical, self-serving fascist bastards who happily created extra-dimensional prisons where anyone who refused to register were incarcerated without trial by villains who were recruited to act as enforcers. For me and many others, Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic are no longer heroes, and Dr. Doom should be calling Reed Richards "Mr. Hypocrite.")
Incidentally, Cap died once before in the 1990s, but he got better. This time, he's not really dead, though he has been assassinated; his body is in a critical-care medical facility owned by SHIELD, which is currently run by Tony Stark, now publicly aka Iron Man, in a conflict of interest which only Dick Cheney could get away with in the real world.
Meanwhile, for the 'consequences' of this stupidity, Mary Jane Parker is dead, poisoned by one of Spidey's enemies once he knew Spidey's ID.
It's been at least 12 years since I was up to date, and probably 15 since I bought anything on a regular basis. I really WOULD like to get back into it, but the cash outlay would be higher than I want, I think.
Which is why I'd love to find an online alternative.
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