Oct 25, 2002 20:54
Now I've been riding my bike to school everyday mainly because campus parking is a bitch, both in availibility and fees ($50 a quarter). And hey, it only takes like 8 mins to get to any point on campus. There was a time too, that I was proud of the fact that I was not contributing to traffic both on and off campus, which is considerable. However, my mood has changed. One morning, cold cause of the fog, I happened to be slightly late for class. I'm peddling down Foothill (my street) over the cool new wooden bridge and stop at the traffic light. While standing there remarking that my hands hurt cause of the wind I hear a distinct "HEY" and for those of you at the Fair you know I do not respond to a general "hey." Then I hear a "hey, bicyclist!" I turn, and just behind me was none other than San Luis Obispo's finest, all clad in blue and sporting a pussy looking motorcycle.
"Yes?" I respond.
"You just crossed that bridge on your bike?"
"Could I see your license please?"
"I'm not caring a license" (cause fuck its a bike!)
"Then your student ID"
"Im going to write you a ticket for failing to obey traffic control signs"
"Which signs might that be?" I ask.
"The large white one decreeing that bikes must be WALKED across the bridge"
"Oh...you mean that you almost completely covered by that tree?"
To make a long story short, the bitch cop went through the school to find my address and license number to issue me a $45 ticket for 'riding' across the bridge. Appearently I am an extreme danger to the padestrians walking along the decently wide bridge at 7:30am!!!!!!!! Especially at speeds exceeding 5 mph!!! WATCH THE FUCK OUT! PETE'S GONNA RUN YOUR ASS DOWN!!!!!!
I'm bitter