*does happy dance*

Nov 05, 2010 20:24

I'm in love!!!! The Nook is wonderful. I've already got a bunch of my fanfiction and books on it. I'm going to upload more to it tomorrow. It's so easy, all you have to do is plug it into your computer and then drag your pdf files over to the my documents file on the Nook everything is there.

I need to buy a few books that I've been waiting to buy. I need to get the last book in James Buchanan's,eroticjames Against the Odds series. I don't have that yet. I also need to get a few of jan_irving books that I apparently missed. I thought I had them all. I need to do a new list, I've been very bad about posting it. It's been months since I've put one up.

author: jan irving, ebook readers, ebooks, author: james buchanan, reading
