Jun 20, 2005 01:14
so ive come to realize i havent been venting in the form of a journal lately.. its been more on people..(ryan more than anything)
so ive decided its time for me to go back to my journals because although they might not work for some people. it helps me in my everyday life. somehow... so i guess im practiclly a fulltimer at the BK joint. yippi? not exactly thrilled but its better than no job. i move on at the end of this week and yes... i am homeless thank you thank you... plz hold ur appluse... if sumone dosnt mind me staying on their couch a few nights here or there its greatly appreciated! so far mark n cassie have been nice enough to let me stay at their place. along with a few others thank u. tonight i went to harvey and chris's house. chris kid was there. we played halo and harley/harvey whichever it may be found tetris for me n i kicked his ass! i kicked everyones ass at tetris except um i didnt catch his name but he beat me once n i wanted a rematch n i whooped his ass! im so good. that or im just full of myself... thats probably it there im full of it. the guys came into my work with packets of kool-aid for me ahh i luv them their so awsome! yay! i luv kool-aid so much! it made me happy really! ive been so tired lately, i cant sleep well... as u may have noticed it is 1:30 in the am. n i have work at 11am how exciting! i wish that harley n chris would bring me sum more kool-aid those guys really cheer me up. lol they bought me a sub too. so sweet :-) maybe they just like seeing me smile? im not sure... although hanging out with them did get my mind off other things. n then when i get alone it gives me time to think about the other things... n i end up not so happy. i remember when it was decemember n i was so extatic everyday. id be one big ball of joy with a smile wraaped around my face. so excited to be alive, now im just a big ball of misery, waiting to explode with the point from a needle. ive tried my best and i suppose its all i can do for now. what gets me is people still call me sunshine... n i really wish they didnt. hurts my feelings n they think itd enlighten them. yesturday my manager told me i was a keeper n i almost cried. jermey is right though i really need to find sumthing else to do with my time. that way im not so depressed, hanging out with chris n harley seemed to do the trick n i dont think they mind me being around. they seem to like wearing my glasses.