I really wanted to improve my mood these days... smile more... be more positive... be a better person... but this is so hard!!!!!!!
At least I have my music!!! I got my hands on the album of my favourite singer... and it really helped...
僕は海じゃない I'm not the sea
君は天使じゃない ただの人 You're not an angel, just a person,
だけど僕は 君の夢を見てる But I dream your dream
どうかこの手を はなさないで Don't let go of this hand at all cost
僕は海じゃない ただの舟 I'm not the sea, just a ship,
だけど君は 僕の空を見てる But you look at my sky
どうか死ぬまで そばにいて Stay by my side at all cost
さみしい時の 君の声 Your voice at those lonely times
眠るぬ夜の 君の胸 Your soul at those sleepless nights
君は天使じゃない 僕の夢 You're not an angel, my dream,
何があっても なくしたくないもの whatever happens, a thing which I don't want to be lost,
どうかどこへも行かないで Don't go anywhere at all cost
せつない日々の 君の影 Your shadow at those painful days
泣きたい夜の 君の胸 Your soul at those nights I want to cry
僕は海じゃない ただの舟 I'm not the sea, just a ship,
だけど君は 僕の空を見てる But you look at my sky,
どうか死ぬまで そばにいて Stay by my side at all cost
どうかこの手を はなさないで Don't let go of this hand at all cost
really, this guy never fails to touch my heart....
And there is another song, a bit older, which just doesn't fail to improve my mood... at normal times....
Eighter, recognize this???
僕が笑えば 君が笑うから If I smile, it's because you smile
君が笑えば また誰かが笑うさ If you smile, another person will smile
この空の澄み渡る青のよう Like the clear blue of this sky,
悲しみが全部消えて the whole sadness disappears
なくなればいいのに if it's forever, it would be good
(いいのに) (would be good)
oh how I love this... I don't know if it's because of Subaru or because of Yoko!!!!!
諦めることを諦めた I gave up to give up
--> recently my favourite line
But still, the songs don't help if it's something which can't be helped. And I was happy that this stupid month May is over....
I just read something which really depressed me. Of course it's not that person's fault. It just made me remember a lot of things I really really want to forget for now over half a year. Oh, such a long time has already passed.
So many things happened. Wish to overcome this as soon as possible. Hopefully my exchange year can help.
On another note: I hate my body, my stomache. Made my best friend worry because of that and today feeling bad as well. HECK give me another body!!! And if you're at it, make it with perfect proportions!!! And a beautiful face!!!!!! Oh, and change my damn personality as well!!!!!
... ufgh feeling kinda bad for posting this... Heck like I care....